
The validation library used by Lost My Name

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lmnValidation from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lmn-validation';


validation.js Build Status

validation.js is the library written for the Lost My Name website because we felt jquery-validation was just too big, and it didn't do some stuff we wanted it to.

This library is a bit different in that it is only a library, and it doesn't contain any validations itself. You have to add them all yourself. This helps keep the size of the library down—you don't necessarily want credit card number validation on a message board!


$ npm install --save lmn-validation

Adding a validator

To use the library, first add a validator:

var validation = require('lmn-validation');

validation.addValidator('required', {
  message: 'This field is required!',
  test: function (value) {
    return !!value;

"required" is the name of the validator. "message" is the message which will display if the validation fails, and "test" is the function to test whether the value is valid or not.

You can use validation.addValidators to add an object of validators all at once.

Running a validator

You can run a validator on an element using the runValidator method:

var input = $('input.test').get(0);

var error = validation.runValidator(input, 'required');

if (error) {
  // Uh oh

If there are no errors, false will be returned.

You can run multiple validators using runValidators: if there is an error, it will be returned and no more validators will be ran.

Add validators in the order you want them ran!

Automatically running validators

We can add the validators to an input from the HTML. This will also handle displaying the errors for us, which is neat.

  <input placeholder="Name" data-validations="required" data-error-target=".error">
  <span class="error"></span>

data-error-target should contain a selector matching a sibling of the input. If you don't specify an element (or if the element isn't found), then a span with an error class will be created directly after the input if an error occurs, and the error displayed there.

When validators are automatically ran, a lot of things happen in the background:

Classes will be added to the inputs and parent form

  • is-dirty is added when the input has been changed, and is never removed.
  • is-filled is like is-dirty, but waits for three characters to be entered: useful if you don't want to display an error straight away.
  • is-valid is added when the input is valid.
  • is-invalid is added when the input is invalid. This could just mean that the element is blank, though: check for is-dirty before displaying an error.

Submit buttons in invalid forms will be disabled

An invalid form is a form where one or more contained element is invalid.

You can disable this behaviour—useful for if you want a submit button to force submit even with invalid data. Just add a data-ignore-validation="true" attribute.

If you would like to disable any other buttons you can add [data-disable-on-error] to them and they'll get disabled too.

HTML5 form validation will be disabled

If HTML5 form validation is enabled, this validation library won't run. Also, we don't want multiple validation libraries fighting! By loading the library and using it, we're assuming that you want to use this one.

required and maxlength attributes will be removed

For the same reason as above, we completely remove required and maxlength attributes from elements you run the validation library on. They're still useful for when JavaScript is disabled, though!

Waiting for a number of characters

If you don't want a validator to run until, say, eight characters have been entered, you can set the data-validate-at attribute to 8 and no validators will be ran until the input has that number of characters.

Once you go over that number, validators will run regardless of whether you're over that length: it won't stop validators from running if you go back under that number of characters.

More stuff

You can find out more you can do with this library by—sorry—reading the source. Check out validate.js and index.js in the src directory of this project for the interesting bits.


This library is released under the MIT license.