
Various codemods related to @loadable/components for easier migration/ugprades.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loadableCodemodHyperlab from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loadable-codemod-hyperlab';



This package is a collection of codemod that can be used to help making big changes easier to a project, for example: migrating from react-loadable to @loadable/component

Notes about react-loadable-to-loadable-component transform

react-loadable-to-loadable-component transform will help codemod all of your Loadable() declaration to loadable() with mostly equivalent params, barring some behavior that do not exist in @loadable/component such as Loadable.Map(), timeout, delay, etc.

After running the codemod, you will still need to update some of your code manually, namely:

  1. Using loadableReady to hydrate your app on the client side.
  2. Updating your webpack configuration to use @loadable
  3. Updating your server side rendering code to use ChunkExtractor