
Load runtime configuration files for your module.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loadrc from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loadrc';



Load runtime configuration files for your module.

MIT License

Many NodeJS modules have **rc** files, such as .babelrc, .eslintrc.yml, etc.

Use loadrc to parse your rc files into JavaScript object.

Supported files:

  • JavaScript Module
  • Yaml file
  • JSON file
  • Legacy file, such as .config
  • package.json

loadrc will try to load these files by the listed order, stop until any of them loaded.


$ npm install loadrc --save


var loadrc = require('loadrc');
var config = loadrc.load(basename, rootDir);

// example
// -------
// try to load these files order by order: 
// - .congifrc.js
// - .congifrc.yaml
// - .congifrc.yml
// - .congifrc.json
// - .congifrc
// - load "package.json" and return "config" section
var config = loadrc.load('configrc');


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For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.