
run locally installed cordova version

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import localCordova from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/local-cordova';



This tool is a little helper for those who need to run different versions of cordova CLI on their machine. It lets you run your locally installed cordova version by simply running lcordova instead of node_modules/.bin/cordova.


If you want to run different versions of cordova CLI on your device, you need to install the CLI locally without the -g flag. But the problem about that is, you can't use the cordova command anymore. You need to type in the relative path to the binary.

This tool makes life easier as it is a wrapper you can install globally. It is just searching for the locally installed cordova CLI and running that one by simply typing the command lcordova.


npm install local-cordova -g


lcordova <cordova args>

e.g.: lcordova prepare ios