
Work with window.localStorage, window.sessionStorage as if it were an object, using ES6 Proxy

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import localSessionStorageProxy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/local-session-storage-proxy';



Work with window.localStorage, window.sessionStorage as if it were an object, using ES6 Proxy


npm i local-session-storage-proxy

Get Started

// ES6 modules with Babel or TypeScript
import createProxyStorage from 'local-session-storage-proxy';

// CommonJS modules
const createProxyStorage = require('local-session-storage-proxy');

const storage = createProxyStorage('namespace', {
  exampleProp: 42,
  exampleArr: []

storage.exampleProp = 1024;
storage.exampleArr.push('Hello world');

// "{"exampleProp":1024,"exampleArr":["Hello world"]}"


const cache = createProxyStorage(storage_id: string, keys: any, root = window.localStorage, strict = false); // Returns proxy object


  • storage_id ID - key for root store
  • keys Default values ​​for the storage, if strict mode is enabled, also defines the structure of the store
  • root Target object, localStorage, sessionStorage or your own
  • strict Set to true to prevent storage structure change


  • SessionStorage usage
const createProxyStorage = require('local-session-storage-proxy');
const storage = createProxyStorage('namespace', {
  exampleProp: 42,
  exampleArr: []
}, window.sessionStorage);

  • Strict mode
const createProxyStorage = require('local-session-storage-proxy');
const storage = createProxyStorage('namespace', {
  a: 42,
  b: {
    c: 1
}, window.localStorage, true);

storage.b = {}; // ERROR!
storage.b.c = 2; // OK
storage.b.e = 'new value?'; // ERROR!
  • No strict mode
const createProxyStorage = require('local-session-storage-proxy');
const storage = createProxyStorage('namespace', {
  a: 42,
  b: {
    c: 1
}, window.localStorage, false);

storage.b = {}; // OK
storage.b.c = 2; // OK
storage.b.e = 'new value?'; // OK