A packager that will compact all your translation keys onto one single file.
Why ?
Managing translation keys always been complicated. You always need to remember to update the translation file when you remove translation usage. In general you end up with a translation file full of un-used keys. And in the most cases, they are complicated to find.
How ?
localizor provides a simpler way to manage your keys. It uses the folder structure to organize keys in the main translation file. Simply create a .locale.yml
next to the component which needs the translations, the process will take it and update the main translation file.
For example :
title: Main title
Will be packaged on
title: Main title
With this structure, if you want to know if the translation key is still in use, you just have to search after the related component in your components. If it is not, the key is unused. Localizor provides you a file watcher which will automatically update the main translation file for you.
yarn add localizor -D
yarn localizor
You can configure localizor by adding an .localizorrc
file on the root of your project.
Default config is :
root: 'src', // Root folder where it will look for translation files
localeFile: 'locale', // The extension file for localizor will look (*.[localeFile].[extension], in this example *.locale.yml)
extension: 'yml', // (yml || json)
defaultLocale: 'en', // The root of the translation file
targetFile: 'translations', // The path for the main file (/[targetFile].[extension], in this example ./translations.yml)
watch: true, // If the script shoud watch file change
ignoreFiles: /(^|[\/\\])\../, // Ignores files from being watched ( config here
watchFolder: '.' // Folder where localizor should watch for translation files