Local Storage API
Build working prototypes with "live" data
This class will allow you to simulate an API and database backend in the browser for rapid prototyping.
Not meant to be an alternative to backend storage, simply a tool that allows you to create prototypes that work as if they have a backend.
To Use
Download and include the localStorageAPI.js file in your project using:
<script src="localStorageAPI.js"></script>
You can install this as an npm package using:
npm i localstorage-collection-api
And then import it in to your project with:
import { ls } from 'localstorage-collection-api'
Then in your JavaScript you will have access to the LocalStorageAPI and all of the methods outlined below.
So that you don't have to type LocalStorageAPI each time you can reference it via a simpler variable, for example:
const ls = LocalStorageAPI()
A collection is an array of objects stored in Local Storage.
Creating A New Collection
Creates a new empty array called "users" in localStorage
Deleting a Collection
Deletes a collection called "users" from localStorage if it exists
Getting a Collection
Gets all items in the "users" collection if it exists
An item is an object within a collection. Unlike a real backend there are no schema restrictions or checks for duplicate records, whatever object you pass in gets added to the collection.
Create an Item
ls.create("users", {
firstName: "Jesse",
lastName: "Burton"
Adds an item to the "users" collection with the properties of firstName and lastName.
A unique id field will automatically be created
If "users" collection doesn't exist it will be created
returns the object with the id.
Update an Item
ls.update("users", {
id: "705e7dad-e0a3-495d-93dd-f088f98803a6",
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"
Updates the item in the "users" collection with the same id property as the object passed in
returns the object or "Item not found".
Delete an Item
ls.delete("users", {
id: "705e7dad-e0a3-495d-93dd-f088f98803a6"
Deletes the item in the "users" collection with the same id property as the object passed in.
This way you could pass in just the id as a property on an object, or the whole object.
returns "Item removed" or "Item not found".
Get an Item
ls.get("users", {
id: "705e7dad-e0a3-495d-93dd-f088f98803a6"
ls.get("users", {
firstName: "Jesse"
The first example will return an item in the "users" collection with the passed in id
The second example will return any item in the "users" collection with the firstName of "Jesse"
You can pass in any name value pair and it will return the items that match that parameter.
Currently only the first name value pair is searched.