Log That Error.
This library was generated with Angular CLI version 8.0.1.
by Suvab Baral( and Sanjay Murugan(
Contact for any queries.
Description -:
log-that-error is an angular package used for handling errors that have occured in the angular application and also help notify the admins by logging the errors to a backend / server.
Installation -:
npm install log-that-error
Dependencies :
This package has 'guid-typescript','extract-stack' and 'bootstrap' as dependencies ,so if you have not pre installed these package , please do install them :
Bootstrap :
npm install bootstrap
Once bootstrap is installed , please include the following on ' style.css ' file on your app , to make bootstrap available globally on your app.
@import '~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
Extract-Stack :
npm install extract-stack
Guid-Typescript :
npm install guid-typescript
Usage Guide -:
The log-that-error simply raises an error event with errorMessage(string object) and errorDetail(error object) as parameters whenever an error occurs , anyone can subscribe to these events using the ErrorHandlerService class.
In app.module.ts add the following snippet of code. -:
imports :[
HTTPClientModule //( from @angular/common/http )
providers :[
provide : ErrorHandler, //( from @angular/core )
useClass :GlobalErrorHandler //( from log-that-error )
provide : HTTP_INTERCEPTOR, //( from @angular/common/http )
useClass:HttpErrorInterceptor, //( from log-that-error )
multi : true
enterInDB( error : any ) is the method that can be used to log the error into the backend/server.The REST API Server URL can be set as per the requirement using the
setUrl(urls : string) method of the ErrorHandlerService class.
Make to set the url of your REST API , before pushing errors to the server.
It is recommended you set the url in your class constructor.
Once the URL is set all the logs of the error can be viewed in the URL in JSON Format with primary components such as 'URL where the error occured', 'method name where the error occured' along with the entire error message.
Example -:
For setting the REST API URL
this.errorHandlerService.setUrl("YOUR URL");
For subscribing to the error event
this.errorHandlerService.notify.subscribe((result) => {
For logging the error into the server
Snapshots :
A Dummy application that we tested our package on.
For testing purposes , we used 'npm json-server' and logged the errors. Above displayed is the snapshot of the same.
Error notification to the user and error details provided in the log for the service provider.
Additional Feature (>v1.0.0)
We have also included a service named 'Business Exception Service' which can be used to notify the user about the essential criteria for running the application smoothly, also known as Business Exception.
Use the throwWarning( errorMesssge : string ) to send a warning to the user.This warning can also be pushed to the server if need be using the pushToServer(errorMessage : string , Function : any). Pass the function name as 'this.(your function name)' Example : If you are calling the pushToServer() from your constructor : pushToServer("ERROR",this.constructor)