
A light-weight extensible logging system written in Node.js way.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logich from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logich';



logich is an extensible plugin based logging system inpired by express package and Node.js way of writing code. logich itself is just a empty shell to which you add middleware to process your logs.

For example, if you just use logich without any registered middleware it will do nothing:

var logich = require("logich");

var logger = logich();
logger.log("Hello world!"); // Does nothing...

To make it do something, you have to register middleware that will process your logs. You can use basic built-in middleware as follows:

var logger = logich()
    .use(logich.object)     // Converts message to object.
    .use(logich.time)       // Adds timestamp in JSON format to the object.
    .use(logich.json)       // Format log entry line as JSON.
    .use(logich.console);   // Prints messages to STDIN.

logger.log("Hello world!");

// Outputs the below in STDIN:
//{ message: 'Hello world!', time: '2014-11-15T15:54:46.059Z' }


Write your own middleware:

logger.use(function(message, next) {
    // Do something with the log message...
    // Execute next middleware callback:

Or use already written middleware:

Built in middleware:

  • logich.object - Converts log message into an object {"message": "your log message"}.
  • logich.time - Adds current timestamp in JSON fromat, Date.toJSON().
  • logich.json - Converts log message to JSON string.
  • logich.console - Uses console.log() to print log message.