
Build Tasks for Logicspot Magento 2 sites

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logicspotFrontendTasks from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logicspot-frontend-tasks';


Logicspot (http://logicspot.com) Frontend Tasks for Magneto 2

Quick Start

  • npm run dev - For local dev. Runs browserSync and inheritance, scripts, styles, watch tasks.
  • npm run build - Deploy styles. Run clean, inheritance, scripts and styles tasks. Everything you should need for a deployment. See below for flags you can add to customize the output.
  • npm run build:{enviroment} - Allows you to specfiy which enviroment to build for, the process differs slightly for each.
  • npm run clean - Clears the Magneto caches and symlinks

All of the above tasks are set in the package.json file for each project, so can differ.


This fork is currently up to date with changes in "SnowdogApps/magento2-frontools": "1.5.15",

Replaces the default Magento 2 grunt tasks to use gulp/sass/babel and all things nice!

This is a Fork of the Snowdog Apps Frontools, but modified (https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-frontools) See their README for additonal help

Technologies Used

| Area | Tech | | ----------------- | -- | | Task Runner | Gulp | | Package Manager | Require JS & Bower (files are commited), opt in for Webpack | | Styles | SASS | | ES Version | ES6 (with Babel) | | Framework | Foundation 6.4 |


Start of with adding this package as a dependency to your project, and setting up some scripts to run.

  1. Make sure you have a frontend theme set up already

  2. Copy the a config/package.json file in the magneto public_html folder. Note here espeically the devDependencies points to this module, and the build tasks point to gulp with slightly different options for each envrionment.

  3. Also copy the config/gulpfile.js file into the same location, and change the development url, or any other options.

  4. Define your themes in themes.json, you can copy the sample file in config folder of this module

  5. If the location of the FE theme moves between your local and server development, you will need an additional file themes-vender.json which will set a theme path. You can have as many of these as you want. They can be selected using the --config option - e.g. gulp deploy --config vendor will look for themes-vendor.json


themes.json avaliable options

Check config/themes.json to get samples

  • src - full path to theme
  • dest - full path to pub/static/[theme_area]/[theme_vendor]/[theme_name]
  • locale - array of available locales
  • localeOverwrites - (default false) set to true if you want to overwrite some styles for specifilc language. Remember that path to overwriting file has to be same as base file after removing /i18n/{lang_code}.
  • parent - name of parent theme
  • stylesDir - (default styles) path to styles directory. For theme-blank-sass it's styles. By default Magento 2 use web/css.
  • postcss - (deafult ["plugins.autoprefixer()"]) PostCSS plugins config. Have to be an array.
  • modules - list of modules witch you want to map inside your theme
  • ignore - array of ignore patterns

watcher.json structure

Check config/watcher.json to get samples.

  • usePolling - set this to true to successfully watch files over a network (i.e. Docker or Vagrant) or when your watcher dosen't work well. Warining, enabling this option may lead to high CPU utilization! chokidar docs

Avalaible Gulp Tasks

  • scripts - Run Babel, a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
    • --theme name - Process single theme.
    • --prod - Production output - minifies and uglyfy code.
  • browser-sync - Run browserSync.
  • clean - Removes /pub/static and var/view_preprocessed directory content
  • default - type gulp to see this readme in console.
  • deploy - Symlink or copy all static assets to pub/static. Runs clean and inheritance tasks.
    • --theme name - Specify theme to deploy.
    • --prod - Copy files instead of making symlinks.
  • dev - Runs browserSync and inheritance, scripts, styles, watch tasks.
    • --theme name - Process single theme.
    • --disableMaps - Toggles source maps generation.
  • inheritance - Create necessary symlinks to resolve theme styles inheritance and make the base for styles processing. You have to run in before styles compilation and after adding new files.
  • styles - Use this task to manually trigger styles processing pipeline.
    • --theme name - Process single theme.
    • --disableMaps - Toggles source maps generation.
    • --prod - Production output - minifies styles and add .min sufix.
    • --ci - Enable throwing errors. Useful in CI/CD pipelines.
  • watch - Watch for style changes and run processing tasks.
    • --theme name - Process single theme.
    • --disableMaps - Enable inline source maps generation.

Webpack (optional)

Optinally use webpack to create a bundle that will load separately from Require JS. This means you cannot use any of Require's dependencies (such as jQuery), but it will load much faster. It also makes it easy to create separate bundles for global, category page, product page etc.

To install:

  1. Copy the config/webpack.config.js file in public_html with your entries and outputs. See example below.
  2. To create a global bundle add <script src="js/global.js" src_type="path" async="async"/> into Magento_Theme/layout/default_head_blocks.xml
  3. To create a product page bundle add <head><script src="js/product.js" src_type="path" async="async"/></head> to Magento_Catalog/layout/catalog_product_view.xml