
reactively observe changes to data acquired via an added/changed/remove interface.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lojic from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lojic';



Problem: Where is real-time data stored on the client? Did the data change? Do I need to re-render? Where do I need to re-render?

Solution: Document versioning. Instead of comparing old data to new data N times, we should compare them once, and then update version numbers up the tree. Every piece of data should have a monotonically non-decreasing integer associated with it. This way, a rendering engine could simply perform this check as it works down the tree, instead of comparing the data:

curInt > prevInt ? re-render : pass;

Storing data in a tree.

Assume the data is (E)JSON. Store the data in a tree using the collection-document paradigm, as in MongoDB. The root node holds the groups (collections). The group nodes hold the documents, etc. Expose three methods: we should be able to merge, resolve, and observe arbitrary branches on the tree. For example, a tree holding two groups: "users", and "meals", may look like this:

let myTree = {
  "meals": {
      taste: ["sour","spicy"],
      score: 4.666667,
      title: "Lemon Fish Stew with Chili",
      servings: 6,
      description: "A sour, slightly spicy stew with tilapia, lemon, spinach, and pepper."

Canonical queries should be intuitive and explicit.

Every query takes the shape of the document it's looking for. This shape is a "slice" of the main tree; a subsequence of connected nodes. A query is essentially a set of directions for some tree traverser:

"Go along this path in the tree, and see if the values meet the conditions specified at the nodes. If they do, return the path with the values filled in, else return null." Here's what I mean:

let yourQuery = {
  groupName: {
    documentId: {
      documentField1: <condition1>,
      documentField2: <condition2>,

This is read by the traverser as follows:

  1. Start at the root of the tree.
  2. Travel to the group groupName ? continue : exit.
  3. Travel to the document documentId ? continue : exit.
  4. Travel to the field documentField1 ? continue : exit.
  5. Value at documentField1 satisfies ? store value in result : exit.
  6. Value at documentField2 satisfies ? store value in result : exit.
  7. Return the result.

Query Rules for the "conditions".

  1. A value of undefined should tell the traverser that there is no condition, and we want that field.
  2. A value of function should tell the traverser to evaluate the function with the data value. true ? return value : object ? return object : exit.
  3. A value of object should tell the traverser to continue.
  4. A string, date, number, or other primitive should tell the traverse to evaluate. same ? return value : exit.

The following query will search the "meals" group for the document "someDocId" whose score is less than 5, title starts with "Be", servings is exactly 4, and we would like the taste field to be included in the result.

Unmentioned fields.

If there are other stored fields, the traverser will, and should ignore these fields, because they were not specified in the query.

Adding more fields, more conditions, or transforms.

For example, if you want the description field, you must specify description: undefined as well. If you want only the first 20 characters of the description field, you may specify description: (d) => {return {summary: d.slice(0,20)}}, which will tell the traverser to transform the description field before returning it. If you want the document only if the description field has yummy in the description, you can specify description: d => d.indexOf('yummy') > -1, etc.

let query = {
  "meals": {
      score: s => s < 5,
      title: t => t.slice(0,2) === "Be",
      taste: undefined,
      servings: 4
let result = Observer.resolve(query);

The result should look exactly like the query, but with the values "filled in", like so:

  "meals": {
      score: 4.833333,
      title: "Beef Stew",
      taste: ["salt","umami"],
      servings: 4

Had the score of the meal document "someDocId" been larger than 5, say, 5.18333, then the result would have been null.

Querying the entire collection, or a list of document _ids.

The above query only works if we know the id of the document a priori, and it should be fast since we know the starting key ahead of time. It's not clear how to generalize the query for cases where we don't know the document's _id, while keeping the same structure. One solution may be to specify something like this, and then canonicalize it into many structured queries:

let query = {
  group: "meals",
  id: ['someDocId1', 'someDocId2', ...] //optional or just a single id,
  query: {
    score: s => s < 5,
    title: t => t.slice(0,2) === "Be",
    taste: undefined,
    servings: 4
let resultSet = Observer.resolve(query);

The above query should tell the traverser to perform a canonicalized query for each of the specified ids, and if no ids are specified, it should check the entire collection for possible matches.

let results = [];
  //canonical query mimics the tree structure, easy to traverse.
  let canonQuery = {
    [query.group]: {
      [key]: query.query
  let resultDoc = Observer.resolve(canonQuery);
  result && results.push(resultDoc);

A server should send data updates.

Assume that the server (or whatever the client is connected to) is sending minimal change messages. If a document has N fields and only 1 field changes, then the message sent from the wire should have no reason to include any other fields than the changed field. Similarly, if a field is removed, we assume that the server does not bother notifying us that its subfields have been removed.

We should be able to merge tree paths onto the data tree:

let dataToMerge = {
  meals: {
    "AjG543GGksLK02": {
      score: 4.66667 //new data,
      title: "Beef Stew (spicy)" //new data

The merge operation should leave the tree in a state which is the union of the old tree, and this subtree. The argument given to the merge function should be of a similar structure as a query. It's just a (E)JSON document which tells the traverser how to travel along the data tree, and what values to replace the old ones with.

Merge Rules.

  1. A value of undefined should tell the traverser that the field is to be removed.
  2. A value of object should tell the traverser to continue, adding the field if !E.
  3. A string, date, number, or other primitive should tell the traverser to add/update the field. same ? return value : exit.
  4. A value of function should tell the traverser to first evaluate the function (given the old and new values), and then reprocess the merge of that field with the return value of the function. This could act as a transform on the data received from the server.


Observing is currently implemented via Tracker and ReactiveVar. Observing a query is exactly like resolving one, except the query re-runs when the result set is changed. A result set could be changed if:

  1. A matching document no longer matches the query.
  2. A previously non-matching document is now a match.
  3. A currently matching document is updated and still matches.

These updates come from the server, and you can merge them onto the tree as they come in. Right now, every piece of data has a version number v stored with it. This is a ReactiveVar, which contains an integer. Non-reactive queries (via resolve) should not really be inhibited by this, since they are not establishing a reactive dependency on the version number. Merges can be slower since they have to call set on each version number as it changes. Initial tree construction should be slower, but can be made very fast if the initial tree construction is done in a batch. On each added message from the server, the traverser travels up the tree and performs the merge. Instead, it could queue the initial added messages, perform all the merging at once, and then create the reactive variables at the very end.

An observe query is diffrent than a resolve query in that the traverser not only queries the relevant part of the tree, but establishes a reactive dependency on all of the successful nodes it "touches" when evaluating the query. If the traverser touches some nodes in a non-matching document, the document will not be included in the result set, but the reactive dependency on the document will still be there. If the non-matching document decides to match later on, it should trigger a re-evaluation of the query. The traverser will then travel down that part of the tree (which was previously blocked off due to matching-failure), to see if there's a match.

If a document fails to match a query for a specific field, then we only need to know when that field becomes a match, since it's the bottleneck in determining whether or not the document itself is a match.


Ensuring atomicity, queueing, batching updates. Help or knowledge greatly appreciated.