Lat/lon normalization cause...sigh.
No one has agreed on a standard way of representing lat/lon. This is a small normalization library. Use this to convert all outside input before processing internally and convert to an external format right when it's being output.
{lon: ${longitude}, lat: ${latitude}}
Just use the Utilizing this won't always be possible/easiest, so please at least adopt the following conventions. Any variables or functions that contain the following names should be represented by the accompanying structure:
:{lon: ${longitude}, lat: ${latitude}}
:[${longitude}, ${latitude}]
:{x: ${longitude}, y: ${latitude}}
If you must convert it to a string, put it in the following format:
import assert from 'assert'
import ll from 'lonlng'
const lat = 38.13234
const lon = 70.01232
const latlon = {lat, lon}
const point = {x: lon, y: lat}
const coordinates = [lon, lat]
const str = `${lon},${lat}`
const pairs = [
// normalization
[latlon, ll(latlon)],
[latlon, ll(point)],
[latlon, ll(coordinates)],
[latlon, ll(str)],
// convert to type, normalizes to `latlng` first in each function
[ll.toCoordinates(latlon), coordinates],
[ll.toPoint(latlon), point],
[ll.toString(latlon), str],
// if the type is known, use the specific convert function directly
[latlon, ll.fromLatlng(latlon)],
[latlon, ll.fromCoordinates(coordinates)],
[latlon, ll.fromPoint(point)],
[latlon, ll.fromString(str)]
pairs.forEach(pair => assert.deepEqual(pair[0], pair[1]))