
Mixin that allows to set content author based on current logged in user.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackAuthorMixin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-author-mixin';



Mixin that allows to set content author based on the current logged in user.


npm install loopback-author-mixin --save


Edit server/model-config.js file.

"_meta": {
  "sources": [
  "mixins": [
    "../node_modules/loopback-author-mixin"     // add this line

Then edit your model.json file (eg. common/models/article.json);

  "name": "Article",
  "base": "PersistedModel",
  "idInjection": true,
  "mixins": {
    "Author": true              // add this line; default field
  "properties": { ... },
  "relations": {
    "author": {                 // add relation if necessary
      "type": "belongsTo",
      "model": "User",
      "foreignKey": ""

By default authorId will be populated with current user ID.

If you want to use different field name, you need to pass options to the mixin:

  "mixins": {
    "Author": {
      "authorField": "userId"

Now every time that you create new instance of the Article model it will have author field populated.