
add the remote context to the specified remote methods of the loopback application.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackComponentRemoteCtx from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-component-remote-ctx';


Loopback Component Remote context

This loopback component enables you to add the remote context to the specified remote methods of the loopback application.

Note: this hack would add a new argument to the remote method.


  1. Require: loopback 2.37.0 or newer
  2. Install in you loopback project:

npm install --save loopback-component-remote-ctx

  1. Create a component-config.json file in your server folder (if you don't already have one)

  2. Configure options inside component-config.json:

  "loopback-component-remote-ctx": {
    "enabled": true,
    "whiteList": ["YourModel", "OrYourModel.remoteMethod"],
    "blackList": ["YourModel", "OrYourModel.remoteMethod"],
    "argName": "remoteCtx"
  • enabled [Boolean]: whether enable this component. defaults: true
  • whiteList [Array of String] : Only add the remote context to these methods
  • blackList [Array of String] : Don't add the remote context to these methods.
  • argName [String]: the new argument name added to remote method. defaults: remoteCtx

Note: the options argument of remote method is always be inject. DO NOT USE options as the argument name.


You should enable the model-level setting injectOptionsFromRemoteContext if you use the loopback v2.x

// common/models/customer.json
  "name": "Customer",
  "base": "User",
  "injectOptionsFromRemoteContext": true,
  "properties": {
    // ...

And you can NEVER USE the options name. Check your remote method arguments before used it.

Model.observe('access', function(ctx, next){
  console.log(ctx.options.remoteCtx) //the remoteCtx

Model.beforeRemote('*', function(ctx, next){
  Model.findById('id', null, ctx, function(err, result){
    if (err) return next(err);

Model.yourRemoteMethod = function(msg, ctx){
  //if your write this before injected via the component:
  return Model.findById('id', null, ctx)
  //else should be this, your controller::
  // return Model.findById('id', null, ctx)

    accepts: [
      {arg: 'msg', type: String},
      {arg: 'options', type: Object, http:'optionsFromRequest' }
    returns: {arg: 'greeting', type: 'string'}


  • v0.3.0 (loopback >=2.37.0)
    • use the optionsFromRequest object.
  • v0.2.0
    • broken: put the remote context to the options.remoteCtx instead of options.
    • [bug] the original options of the model method is lost.
