
Firestore connector for the LoopBack framework.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackConnectorBlazestore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-connector-blazestore';



Firestore connector for the LoopBack framework.

npm npm npm


Create a new database

Then you should use a service account. Go to Project Settings > Service Accounts in the Google Cloud Platform Console. Generate a new private key and save the JSON file.

You should fill the application's datasource file which is located in /server/datasources.json with those details, You can find them in the downloaded JSON file from the Google Cloud Platform.

"firestore": {
  "name": "<the_name_of_your_database>",
  "connector": "loopback-connector-blazestore",
  "projectId": "",
  "clientEmail":  "",
  "privateKey": "",
  "databaseName": "" // Optional, Default: projectId

Connection properties

Property Type   Description ---
projectId String project_id in the JSON file ---
clientEmail String client_email in the JSON file ---
privateKey String private_key in the JSON file ---
databaseName String Firebase's project id Optional, Default: projectId

And you can actually store those private details as an Environment variables, Check source-configuration


Copylefted (c) 2017 Rodrigo Gonzalez Godoy Licensed under the MIT license.