
Google Cloud Datastore connector for the LoopBack framework.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackConnectorGoogleCloudDatastore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-connector-google-cloud-datastore';



Google Cloud Datastore connector for the LoopBack framework.

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System Requirements


If you want to know how to get started with Loopback check this.

To add a new data source, use the data source generator:

lb datasource

Then the data source generator will prompt some questions like

  • Enter the data-source name: GoogleCloudDatastore (Choose your prefered name)
  • Select the connector for GoogleCloudDatastore: other
  • Enter the connector's module name loopback-connector-google-cloud-datastore
  • Install loopback-connector-google-cloud-datastore (Y/n) y

Then you should use a service account. Go to Project Settings > Service Accounts in the Google Cloud Platform Console. Generate a new private key and save the JSON file.

You should fill the application's datasource file which is located in /server/datasources.json with those details, You can find them in the downloaded JSON file from the Google Cloud Platform.

"GoogleCloudDatastore": {
  "name": "GoogleCloudDatastore",
  "projectId": "",
  "keyFilename": "" //Enter the full relative path of your application to file (eg. './src/datasources/google/serviceAccount.json')

Connection properties

Property Type   Description ---
projectId String project_id in the JSON file ---
keyFilename String serviceAccount JSON file path ---

And you can actually store those private details as an Environment variables, Check source-configuration


Dyaa Eldin Moustafa Firestore connector


Copylefted (c) 2020 Henrique Carvalho da Cruz Licensed under the MIT license.

FOSSA Status