
A mixin that transparently encrypts fields of a module at a save and decrypts fiels at get.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackEncryptionMixin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-encryption-mixin';


npm i --save loopback-encryption-mixin

In your model-config.json: add "../node_modules/loopback-encryption-mixin" as a mixin

    "...": "...",
    "mixins": [
    "....": "..."

Then add the mixin to your model

"...": "...",
"mixins": {
    "Encryption": {
      "fields": ["name"],
      "password": "mypassword",
      "salt": "jkncjahksdjahsdkjhasjdhasdhkjasna",
      "iteration": 100,
      "hashBytes": 16,
      "hashAlgorithm": "sha1",
      "hexIv": "cd5c632d26fde5e2eb61e521ad2b91ba",
      "encryptionAlgorithm": "aes-128-cbc"
 "properties": {
    "...": "..."
 "....": "..."

Options Explained

Options Description
fields the properties of the model that need to be encrypted
password the password of the encryption
salt salt for hashing the password
iteration iteration of the hash
hashBytes the hash bytes corresponding to your hash algorithm and encryption algorithm
hashAlgorithm Hash algorithm
hexIv iv used for encryption in HEX format
encryptionAlgorithm Encryption Algorithm corresponding to your iv and password format