
Utilities for testing LoopBack applications

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackTestify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-testify';



Utilities for testing LoopBack apps


The following helpers are designed to generate [mocha] tests against LoopBack apps.


  1. npm install loopback-testify --save-dev
  2. Assuming you started with a clean template/project generated by slc loopback
  3. If you have mocha installed as a global npm module that's great! Simply update <your_project>/package.json with:
  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha"
  1. Otherwise, you can utilize the mocha library within the loopback-testify testing module:
  "scripts": {
    "test": "./node_modules/loopback-testify/node_modules/.bin/mocha"
  1. Run npm test to execute any tests under the test directory.

basic usage

Below is a simple LoopBack app.

var loopback = require('loopback');
var app = loopback();
var Product = app.model('product');

Use the loopback-testify module to generate mocha tests.

var lt = require('loopback-testify');
var assert = require('assert');
var app = require('../server/server.js'); //path to app.js or server.js

describe('/products', function() {
  lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('GET', '/products', function() {
    it('should have statusCode 200', function() {
      assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200);

    it('should respond with an array of products', function() {
describe('/admin', function() {

  // All tests below this will execute with the same user on the same role.
  // Use individual 'whenCalledByUserWithRole' describes if you want to
  // create and tear down the user each test.
  lt.describe.whenLoggedInAsUserWithRole(someUserData, 'admin', function() {

    lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('POST', '/makeAnnouncement', function() {

    lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('POST', '/analytics', function() {


building test data

Use TestDataBuilder to build many Model instances in one async call. Specify only properties relevant to your test, the builder will pre-fill remaining required properties with sensible defaults.

var TestDataBuilder = require('loopback-testify').TestDataBuilder;
var ref = TestDataBuilder.ref;

// The context object to hold the created models.
// You can use `this` in mocha test instead.
var context = {};

var ref = TestDataBuilder.ref;
new TestDataBuilder()
  .define('application', Application, {
    pushSettings: { stub: { } }
  .define('device', Device, {
     // use the value of application's id
     // the value is resolved at build time
     appId: ref('application.id'),
     deviceType: 'android'
  .define('notification', Notification)
  .buildTo(context, function(err) {
    // test models are available as
    //   context.application
    //   context.device
    //   context.notification