
Assignment 6: Utility Tool

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lootYtilitu from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loot-ytilitu';



loot-ytilitu - a Utility Tool: The README

    What's is loot-ytilitu?
  • loot-ytilitu is in short a Utility Tool that displays all the requested information in console as well as store it in log.
  • By default, it is setup to display all successful operations in


  • By default, it is setup to display all erroneous operations in



Development Usage

Install the package as a developer dependency

npm i loot-ytilitu --save-dev

In your project root folder, create a folder called logs. This can be done in many ways, here is how to do it using Terminal.

In Terminal type:

mkdir logs

At the top of the folders that contain scripts you are running be sure to include this line at the top

const utilityTool = require('loot-ytilitu');


When running this line in Terminal:

DEBUG=true node src/server.js

With this line in src/server.js

 utilityTool.debug(`Server Active on ${port}`);

How it shows in console:

Thu Aug 18 2016 21:55:48 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Server Active on 3000

Semantic Versioning

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Contributed by

Shaun M. Rogers