
Simple JavaScript-based sample text generator.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loremize from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loremize';



Build Status npm version

Simple JavaScript-based sample text generator.

Table of contents


npm install --save loremize

Breaking changes

1.x.x > 2.x.x


  • loremizeSentences is now called loremizeIpsumSentences
  • instead of using loremizeWords use either loremizeGreekDeities, loremizeRomanDeities or loremizeGermanicDeities

The function getRandomWord now requires a list of items to work:

getRandomWord: Function (items: Array<string>) => ();

Similar to that the loremizeSentences also requires a list of items to work:

loremizeSentences: Function (items: Array<string>) => (numberOfSentences: number, lowerBound: number, upperBound: number, asArray: boolean = false)

Same for the loremizeWords function; please note that now different delimiters are being used, depending on the item list:

loremizeWords: Function (items: Array<string>, delimiter: string = ' ') => (numberOfWords: number, asArray: boolean = false)

The loremizeSentences and loremizeWords functions should no longer be called, instead use the item-list-specific pendants: loremizeIpsumSentences, loremizeIpsums, loremizeGreekDeities, loremizerRomanDeities, loremizeGermanicDeities


MIT (https://github.com/Kaishiyoku/loremize/blob/master/LICENSE)


Twitter: @kaishiyoku
Website: www.andreas-wiedel.de