
: Utilities for interacting with the Learning Objective Registry Service ( LOReS )

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loresUtil from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lores-util';


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A set of utilities that make it easy to interact with LOReS. There is two components: RegistryService and RegistryUtilities. RegistryService contains a set of APIs to call LOReS that return a promise which will be fulfilled when the request is complete. The service calls use 'superagent-d2l-promise-queue' which allows queuing requests in order to perform sequential writes.It also provides the ability to retry requests which have failed due to a connection error. Calls that perform updates or writes will use the queue. Get calls will be performed without a queue. Each RegistryService API call returns a promise. RegistryUtilities contains helper functions to perform actions on the registry and the objectives contained within the registry.


import { RegistryService, RegistryUtilities } from 'lores-util';

var registryService = RegistryService( serviceEndPoint );

registryService.getRegistryAsync( 1 )
.then( registry => {
    RegistryUtilities.cacheStructure( registry );

    return registry;

RegistryService API

Use LOReS API which can be found here: http://docs.objectivelistservice.apiary.io

additionalAuthorization: Object: (OPTIONAL) Additional Authorization data in JSON format

getManyRegistriesAsync( registryIds, additionalAuthorization )
getManyRegistriesCachedAsync( registryIds, additionalAuthorization )

registryIds: Array: List of registryIds to fetch
Cached version of call returns array of registries with cache structure applied to each registry

getRegistryAsync( registryId, additionalAuthorization )
getRegistryCachedAsync( registryId, additionalAuthorization )

registryId: Int: Id of registry to fetch
Cached version of call returns cacheStructure applied to registry

updateRegistriesBulkAsync( registries, additionalAuthorization )

registries: Array: List of registries to update

updateRegistryAsync( registry, registryId, additionalAuthorization )

Update registry

createRegistryAsync( owner, additionalAuthorization )

Create registry

owner: String: consumer stack

deleteRegistryAsync( registryId )

registryId: Int: Id of registry

createAuthoredObjectiveAsync( owner, notation, description, groupId, type, additionalAuthorization )

Create authored objective first and then perform a bulk create to create objective mapping

owner: String: consumer stack
notation: String: Objective notation
description: String: Description of objective
groupId: Int: Group which objective will belong to
type: String: Type of objective: 'CLO' or 'PLO'

updateAuthoredObjectiveAsync( notation, description, groupId, type, objectiveId )

objectiveId: Int: Source Id of objective
Uses the same parameters as in createAuthoredObjectiveAsync

createObjectiveGroupAsync( owner, additionalAuthorization )

Create objective group for authored objectives to be mapped to

owner: String: consumer stack

bulkCreateObjectivesAsync( owner, sources, additionalAuthorization )

owner: String: consumer stack
sources: Array: List of sources to create

sources = [{
    source_id: 2,
    source_type: 'lores'

RegistryUtilities API

cacheStructure( registry )

Create a cache structure for objectives and appends it to the registry object. Leaves hash and list will contain PLO Leaves and not CLO leaves.

RegistryUtilities.cache( registry );
registry.cache.leaves // Array of plo leaves
registry.cache.leavesMap // objectiveIdToObjectiveHash of plo leaves
registry.cache.objectives // Array of objectives
registry.cache.objectivesMap // objectiveIdToObjectiveHash of all objectives
//Ancestor cache found in each objective in above hashMap or Array
registry.cache.leaves[0].cache.ancestorIdsHashSet // ancestor Hash
registry.cache.leaves[0].cache.ancestorIds // List of ancestor Ids. Found
sortCLOs( plo, cloId, afterCloId )

Sorts clos within a plo

removeCLO( plo, cloId )

Removes a CLO from a PLO

createUpdatedRegistryPayload( registry )

Will create the payload registry to attach when updating a registry. Will remove objectives that contain the property isTempOutcome.

Ex. Objective with Id: 3 will not be included in the registry payload

    id: 1
    objectives: [ 
        { id: 2, children: [] }, 
        { id: 3, children: [], isTempOutcome: true } 