
Framework for fast development of single page applications

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lothus from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lothus';


Framework for fast development of single page applications


Include Lothus file

<script src="lothus.bundled.min.js"></script>


Each page element is a part of your system. In this element, you indicate the route, page title, data provider and events. The page content can be inside the tag or in another HTML file.

See the examples below:

    <h1>Hello, { _params.name }</h1>

  <script src="lothus.bundled.min.js"></script>

    window.onload = () => {
      const app = new Lothus();


will print

// http://domain.com/#hello/Mano
Hello, Mano!


Use the attribute route. To indicate a parameters, use : before it and to access them, use _params.

<page name="hello" route="hello/:from/to/:to">
  { _params.from } said hello to { _params.to }

Data binding

Lothus uses Rivets data binder

It's possible to create data providers with real-time updated data and pass them to pages.

First, create a provider before initialize

app.providers.userData = {
  name: 'Gabriel',
  nickname: 'gabrieljmj'

then indicate the provider in the page

<page ... data-provider="userData">
  Name: { name }, Nickname: { nickname }

Accessing Rivets

To do stuff like add binders, access the property dataBinder

const app = new Lothus();

app.dataBinder.binders['custom-binder'] = (element, value) => {
  // ...

Importing page

The HTML does not need to be inside page, you can import from a extern file using origin. This helps keep the code orgaized.

<!-- hello.html -->
Hello, { _params.name }!
<!-- index.html -->
<page name="hello" route="hello/:name" origin="hello.html"></page>



Executed everytime that a page is loaded.

Add the event to {app|lothus}.events and put the event name in onload attribute. The event this will be the page element.

app.events.onHelloLoad = params => {
  // 'this' is the page element
<page ... onload="onHelloLoad"></page>


Executed everytime that a page is changed by another.

app.events.onHelloUnload = () => {
  // 'this' is the page element
<page ... onunload="onHelloUnload"></page>


This library is under MIT Licesne.