Love CSS Framework
First you need to have NPM (node package manager). Just install node.js for this at
With NPM
npm install lovecss --save
With Github / Git
Install GIT version control at Open git bash or terminal. Navigate into your project. Then paste git clone
. This will clone this reposotory in your folder
Getting started
If used NPM
Add this file structure to your root folder. You will find the file structure in the folder 'node modules'. After adding it just copy this code in to your html page
<link rel="stylesheet" href="love/style.css">
If used git
just copy this code in to your html page
<link rel="stylesheet" href="love/style.css">
CSS framework for building fast and good lokking websites.
What does it do
It helps you develop fast and responsive websites from scratch, without using custom css.
- Responsive
- Fast
- Easy to use
- Customizeble