
A list of neat projects made in Spain

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A list of neat projects made in Spain



:star2: Name Description 🌍
6726 @erikras/react-redux-universa… A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
3610 @wout/svg.js A lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG :arrow_upper_right:
3047 @erikras/redux-form A Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store :arrow_upper_right:
2201 @jacoborus/nanobar Very lightweight progress bars. No jQuery :arrow_upper_right:
713 @hyperandroid/CAAT Canvas Advanced Animation Toolkit :arrow_upper_right:
533 @alexfernandez/loadtest Runs a load test on the selected URL. Easy to extend minimally for your own ends.
391 @dciccale/grunt-processhtml Process html files at build time to modify them depending on the release environment
334 @Atinux/schema-inspector Schema-Inspector is an JSON API sanitisation and validation module. :arrow_upper_right:
297 @carlosazaustre/universal-js-boilerp… A boilerplate to start universal (isomorphic) web applications
250 @wout/raphael-svg-import Import raw SVG data into Raphael :arrow_upper_right:
206 @christkv/node-git A node.js git implementation modeled on ruby-git
193 @erikras/multireducer A utility to wrap many copies of a single Redux reducer into a single key-based reducer.
178 @alexfernandez/package-quality Measurements of quality for packages, especially for npm
174 @dciccale/ki.js :lemon: ki.js is a super-tiny jQuery-like API JavaScript library
140 @erikras/lru-memoize A utility to provide LRU memoization for any js function
131 @dciccale/placeholder-enhanced Placeholder Enhanced enhance the use of HTML5 placeholder attribute providing cross-browser support & styling :arrow_upper_right:
126 @wout/svg.filter.js A plugin for svg.js adding svg filters
102 @dciccale/kimbo.js :cocktail: An ECMAScript 5 only-compatible JavaScript library. :arrow_upper_right:
100 @javivelasco/react-css-themr Easy theming and composition for CSS Modules.
85 @alexfernandez/prototypes Some common prototypes for node.js.
84 @wout/svg.import.js A plugin for importing raw SVG into the svg.js library
82 @dciccale/css2stylus.js JavaScript utility to convert CSS into Stylus :arrow_upper_right:
81 @dciccale/jslibraryboilerplate JavaScript Library Boilerplate helps you roll your own dom js library with a tiny and robust core base. :arrow_upper_right:
75 @jaraen/TitanTricks Code samples and components for Titanium mobile
69 @bpedro/node-fs Extended node fs library, implementing new features like recursive directory creation
66 @jacoborus/deep-json Load a tree of splitted JSON files and folders :arrow_upper_right:
63 @christkv/mongodb-core MongoDB core driver functionality aims to make the "smallest" viable driver api
62 @gonzaloruizdevilla/debuggingmemory Debugging memory leaks in JavaScript with Chrome DevTools (spainjs)
62 @carlosazaustre/node-api-rest-exampl… An example how to use Node to make a REST API
61 @wout/svg.draggable.js An extension for the svg.js library to make elements draggable
60 @javaguirre/twitter-streaming-ap… Example with Twitter streaming API, Node.js and React
59 @wout/svg.clock.js A clock built with the svg.js library, inspired by the swiss railway clock
56 @erikras/react-native-listene… A utility component to allow easy access to browser native events
52 @erikras/redux-form-material-… A set of wrapper components to facilitate using Material UI with Redux Form :arrow_upper_right:
51 @Atinux/node-ftps FTP, FTPS and SFTP client for node.js, mainly a lftp wrapper.
50 @carlosazaustre/passportjs-example An example of use PassportJS to login with Twitter & Facebook in Node.js
49 @rborn/TiSwipeToReveal Twitter like swipe to reveal implemented in Titanium
48 @jacoborus/wiretree Dependency injection framework for Node.js :arrow_upper_right:
47 @hyperandroid/Sumon CAAT based game. :arrow_upper_right:
46 @christkv/node-express-oauth-p… A plugin to allow you to easily add oauth Authentication to your express based application
44 @rborn/TitaniumYoutubePlaye… Play youtube directly in your app
41 @Atinux/api-as-a-service [Unmaintained] Don't waste your time writing backend for your web application.
39 @vieron/stylelint-webpack-pl… A webpack plugin to lint your CSS/Sass code using stylelint
39 @carlosazaustre/angularapp-gulp-boil… A boilerplate to start a webapp with Gulp automated tasks
35 @wout/chronology.js A micro javascript library for managing an undo/redo history
34 @Kikobeats/nodengine NodeJS switcher based on package.json.
33 @gimenete/devtoolbelt Handy micro-tools for developers :arrow_upper_right:
33 @dciccale/nativeColorPicker A Native Color Picker Polyfill for the HTML5's "color" input type on Internet Explorer :arrow_upper_right:
32 @dciccale/angular-docker-boile… A simple angular js app dockerized
31 @rborn/Advanced-Titanium-Tu… Bonjour networking on multiple devices with Titanium Appcelerator :arrow_upper_right:
30 @dciccale/node-htmlprocessor Process html files using special comments
29 @rborn/SugarTi Sugar for the Titanium CLI syntax
28 @christkv/mongoman A node/mongodb powered game demo
26 @erikras/map-props A higher order React component and allows mapping prop values passed in to other prop values expected by the wrapped component
25 @Atinux/backbone-books Google Books API + Backbone.js :arrow_upper_right:
25 @carlosazaustre/mean-boilerplate Starter skeleton for MEAN applications with Redis and Stylus
24 @wout/svg.easing.js Easing equations for the fx module in the svg.js library
24 @christkv/mongodb-presentation Mongo Hamburg Presentation
23 @Kikobeats/json-future Unbelievable and Modern JSON interface. Prollyfills propositions for ECMAScript 7.
23 @Kikobeats/whoops It makes simple create qualified errors.
22 @erikras/redux-spy A higher order component decorator to read from a Redux store without subscribing to all its changes
22 @Kikobeats/osom An Awesome [/osom/] Object Schema Modeling (Database Agnostic). :arrow_upper_right:
22 @nucliweb/postcss-magic-animat… PostCSS plugin that adds @keyframes from Magic Animations
22 @gimenete/dbdiff Compares two postgresql or mysql databases and prints SQL commands to modify the first one in order to match the second one
21 @Atinux/liveBalls A mutliclient chat with balls for each client, you can move with your mouse and chat with other persons in realtime. :arrow_upper_right:
21 @erikras/react-pdfjs A React component to wrap PDF.js
21 @wout/svg.export.js A plugin for the svg.js library to export raw svg
21 @erikras/react-lazy-cache A utility to lazily calculate and cache values in a react component based on props
20 @dciccale/comment.js Simple API Documentation Generator
20 @hyperandroid/Sprite-Packer A sprite packer for CSS or CAAT project made with HTML5 d'n'd, Filesystem API and some javascript magic.
19 @gonzaloruizdevilla/alicates Small library for functional programming with ES2015+
19 @dciccale/xxspubsub Extra Extra Small publish/subscribe micro-framework in 182 bytes of JavaScript :arrow_upper_right:
17 @jacoborus/curlymail Lightweight email sending with mustache templates support for messages :arrow_upper_right:
17 @carlosazaustre/angular-todo An example of a Todo App based in MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node)
17 @Kikobeats/sails-hook-newrelic Integrates newrelic with your Sails application
16 @dciccale/Custom-radio-checkbo… jQuery plugin to customize native radios and checkboxes with your own design :arrow_upper_right:
16 @rborn/nativescript-i18n This is a plugin for Nativescript that implements native i18n in an easy manner.
16 @dciccale/requirejs-underscore… RequireJS plugin to load and precompile underscore templates.
16 @ajsb85/alexsalas.brackets-j… An extension to build Github-Pages easy
16 @carlosazaustre/angular-routing An example of a Web App using Angular, Routing and Templates
15 @hhariri/EasyMVC EasyMVC :arrow_upper_right:
15 @jacoborus/arbitrary-emitter Event emitter with ES6 Map sugar for browsers and node.js :arrow_upper_right:
15 @Kikobeats/tweet-selection Tweet selected text. Like Medium but out of the box. :arrow_upper_right:
14 @Kikobeats/voll A boolean expressions evaluator. It saved the day!
14 @alexfernandez/deployment Continuous Deployment System for the masses
14 @gimenete/sequelize-sync-diff Uses Sequelize.sync() but generates ALTER statements instead of DROP+CREATE
12 @jaraen/AppTemplate An empty, basic, structured app template for Titanium Mobile.
12 @carlosazaustre/angularcamp-workshop Workshop for AngularCamp: Angular 1.5 + ES6
12 @jorgecasar/building-realtime-we… Repository to show how to build a realtime webapp using Sails.js :arrow_upper_right:
12 @vieron/svg-resizer Basic cli utility to batch resize svg files
12 @jaraen/TiHighlightLabel A titanium alloy widget that consists in a label that highlights the occurrences searched inside its text. It uses the new AttributedString API for iOS introduced in Titanium 3.2
11 @wout/svg.parser.js A helper library for svg.js providing parser functions to adopt and import existing svg's
11 @gonzaloruizdevilla/directivas Fuentes del curso de directivas del grupo AngularJS Madrid
11 @alexfernandez/inits Init system for Node.js
11 @christkv/node-blogs A simple aggregator for blogs
11 @wout/svg.shapes.js A shapes plugin for the svg.js library
10 @dciccale/node-api-mongo-docke… node.js api with hapijs, mongoose and docker
10 @wout/svg.topath.js A plugin for the svg.js library to convert any other shape to a path
10 @christkv/mongodb-proxy MongoDB proxy prototype in node.js
10 @carlosazaustre/browserify-example Trying Browserify
9 @christkv/bson-ext The C++ bson parser for the node.js mongodb driver.
9 @christkv/node-pure-crypto A basic package of crypto that is compatible across node.js and the browser
9 @carlosazaustre/react-fetch Example of use React in a webapp with ES6 features
9 @nucliweb/MDNSearchDoc Sublime Text MDN Search Doc
9 @jacoborus/nuts New unified template system
9 @dciccale/docker-angular-tutum Tutorial…
9 @nucliweb/flexbox Ejemplos de las propiedades de Flexbox :arrow_upper_right:
9 @wout/svg.absorb.js A plugin for the svg.js library adding the ability to absorb an existing svg into the dynamic svg.js structure
9 @miquelcamps/websockets_lab
9 @javaguirre/gramophone Gramophone is a simple music server built with Python, Flask, Backbonejs and jPlayer :arrow_upper_right:
9 @carlosazaustre/iojs-api-example Example of API RESTful written in IO.js with ECMAScript 6
9 @rborn/TaffyDb4Ti TaffyDb for titanium
8 @christkv/learn-node-mongo-the… Node mongodb learn it the hard way book
8 @Kikobeats/sails-hook-winston Integrates winston logging system with your Sails application
8 @hhariri/Blog Blog Posts Code Samples and Projects :arrow_upper_right:
8 @hyperandroid/Untangle An asynchronous utility library.
7 @Kikobeats/emojis-keywords Complete list of an emojis shortcuts. Based on
7 @ajsb85/xulapp-boilerplate XULRunner Boilerplate
7 @dciccale/hayFlash jQuery Utility, also in pure JavaScript to know if Flash Player is installed in your browser and its version :arrow_upper_right:
7 @wout/svg.topoly.js A plugin for SVG.js to convert paths to polygons at a given sample rate
7 @javaguirre/comment Atom package for inserting block comments via keyboard shortcut
7 @jacoborus/safename Get safe file name from a given string
7 @dciccale/docker-compose-angul…
7 @bpedro/jassid JavaScript filesystem database
7 @Atinux/LiveDraw A real time drawing application with Node JS and :arrow_upper_right:
7 @vieron/css-docs CSS Styleguide Generator focused on CSS Modular Architectures :arrow_upper_right:
6 @hyperandroid/KeyNote My OnGameStart presentation.;Use enter or ctrl enter to navigate throughout the slides.
6 @dciccale/click-n-tweet Tweet in one click within Chrome
6 @christkv/realtime a realtime data collection application
6 @christkv/node-mongo-vacationp… Vacation planner application written in node.js + express.js + mongo
6 @hyperandroid/CSS3Tiler A CSS3 3D based image slideshow.
6 @Kikobeats/fetch-timeline-cli Fetch Twitter user's timeline from your terminal :zap:.
6 @christkv/mongodb-es6 MongoDB ES6 Prototype Shim
6 @jaraen/TabGroupTemplate Basic app template with tabGroup for titanium mobile
6 @alexfernandez/testing Simple testing library for NodeJS
5 @ajsb85/thinky-blog Thinky - RethinkDB - Angular - Express - Material Design :arrow_upper_right:
5 @jacoborus/estilo Generate vim color schemes from simple templates
5 @jacoborus/submitter Automatically submitting forms with AJAX
5 @bpedro/node-expectation Expectations let you run code whenever something happens
5 @gimenete/helical Helical is a general purpose code generator. It takes a data model definition and a set of templates (called generators) and generates an output.
5 @jorgecasar/simple-NodeJS-server A NodeJS server very simple to serve statics. Customized port, path and HTML5 Push State
5 @christkv/tic-tac-toe-steps Tic-Tac-Toe in steps, synced to exercises/tutorials
5 @christkv/robocode-js A very simple port of robocode for node + browser
5 @Kikobeats/emojis-list Complete list of standard emojis.
4 @javivelasco/betabeers-backbone Application for building real-time collaborative movie listings using Node.js,Express, Jade, Stylus, Backbone.js, and MongoDB for the Betabeers meeting at Cordoba :arrow_upper_right:
4 @jacoborus/updox Get markdown documentation from your javascript comments
4 @Kikobeats/generator-git Create the configurable scaffolding to start with a git-like project.
4 @Kikobeats/exists-file Check if a file exists. A fs.exists implementation that is not deprecated.
4 @Kikobeats/emojis-unicode Complete list of standard Unicode codes that represent emojis.
4 @gimenete/txain A simple module for async control flow
4 @nucliweb/Brackets.mdn-search-… Brackets Extension for consult the documentation in the Mozilla Developer Network
4 @alexfernandez/performance A short and slick node.js performance measurement
4 @erikras/expect-predicate An extension for expect that lets you test values against arbitrary predicates
4 @dciccale/chain.js Make native DOM API chainable.
4 @vieron/jquery.circleMenu A jQuery plugin for create customizable circular menus
4 @gimenete/fraggle A command line utility to deploy different versions of nodejs applications
4 @ajsb85/WebUSB Implementation of Web API using the JSM (c-type and hid api)
4 @gimenete/emmental Template engine for Nodejs
4 @vieron/jquery.fullsizedCaro… FullWindow image carousel :arrow_upper_right:
4 @hhariri/corvus A NodeJS package for accessing RavenDB using HTTP API
4 @vieron/ui-docs Styleguide Generator for UI Components.
4 @christkv/node-stocks-app simple stock application in ndoe
4 @midesweb/aprende-jquery 4 Sesiones de jQuery
3 @Atinux/pjs Pajamas (PJS) - An easy way to write node.js apps.
3 @vieron/react-docgen-readme Extracts info from your React Components, then is transformed into markdown and added to the README.
3 @jacoborus/jetkit Dynamic website generator :rocket:. Work in progress
3 @jacoborus/dotmail Send emails with templates.
3 @jacoborus/node-filesaver Stores files in folders easily with node.js
3 @vieron/grunt-ui-docs Styleguide Generator for UI Components.
3 @christkv/okr A simple web application for managing an organizations OKRs
3 @christkv/mongodb-topology-man… Localhost MongoDB Topology Management API
3 @carlosazaustre/curso-desarrollo-web Repositorio del curso de Desarrollo Web de Platzi.
3 @carlosazaustre/ES2015-boilerplate Plantilla para iniciar desarrollos web con ECMAScript 6 (ES2015) utilizando Babel, Browserify y Gulp
3 @carlosazaustre/nodeschool-promises Solutions of Nodeschool workshop elective "Promise it won't hurt" -
3 @hyperandroid/MoMa a Javascript Module and Class Manager.
3 @carlosazaustre/angular-hack2progres… Ejemplo de AngularJS visto en Hack2Progress
3 @ajsb85/firefox-addon-btcven Add-on to see the average price of Bitcoin in VEF. :arrow_upper_right:
3 @carlosazaustre/angularJS-example An example of use AngularJS MVW Framework. It is a phone list web in HTML5 / JSON
3 @ajsb85/instantbird-protocol… Assists to setup a chat account for HipChat. :arrow_upper_right:
3 @christkv/mongodb-promisified MongoDB 2.0 driver promisified
3 @javaguirre/slides-git-github PresentaciĂłn para los cursos del GUL sobre Git y Github :arrow_upper_right:
3 @christkv/mongodb-schema-simul… Learn MongoDB The Hardway code and other related content
3 @jaraen/TitanTricksMobileWeb Titanium mobile web version of TitanTricks project
3 @Atinux/Twoder A Twitter like in Node JS, Express JS, Mongoose, BootStrap, BackBone JS
3 @javivelasco/trainhero A concept app built with TDD and driven by the domain
3 @Atinux/LiveChat LiveChat is a real-time application to chat with his friends. :arrow_upper_right:
3 @bpedro/DecentralizedAddress… Google Chrome extension that resolves @ addresses into links to users profiles.
3 @gimenete/tot Experimental language, superset of JavaScript, for writing async code like sync code
3 @dciccale/Andamio.js A mini framework to ease the development of your Backbone.js apps. (Beta)
3 @gimenete/tallernodejs CĂłdigo de los ejercicios del taller de nodejs de Cachirulo Valley. Julio 2011
3 @dciccale/node-docker-workflow
3 @gimenete/pync Utilities for promises pync ~= promise + async
3 @christkv/node-mongodb-monitor Simple tool collecting statistics from the mongodb servers using the rest api
3 @dciccale/ironhack-backbonejs Backbone.js course at IronHack
2 @gimenete/phlow Get to work as quick as possible
2 @christkv/node-simplify A lib to help avoid banana code when doing nodejs
2 @christkv/mql
2 @christkv/tic-tac-toe A node.js multiplayer tic-tac-toe tutorial game
2 @gimenete/seaquel The best of an ORM with the flexibility of writing your own SQL
2 @jacoborus/miniruler Manage roles in contexts
2 @jacoborus/boxes Mutable state containers with time travelling for JavaScript apps
2 @jacoborus/hardwire Structured and scalable node.js app container. Work in progress
2 @javaguirre/openboe Retrieve information about spanish boe in a better human readable way
2 @javaguirre/crafty-slides-videog… Building videogames with Crafty for GULUC3M courses on March 2012 :arrow_upper_right:
2 @gimenete/identicons Generate SVG identicons in node and the browser
2 @ajsb85/instantbird-protocol… Assists to setup a chat account for Telegram. :arrow_upper_right:
2 @gimenete/pgprom Easiest and safest way to use postgres abusing template strings
2 @nucliweb/Brackets.SnapSVG-Doc
2 @carlosazaustre/angular2-devfest-cor… Workshop para el #DevFest 2015 de GDG Cordoba
2 @gonzaloruizdevilla/angularjs-formvalida… Validaciones de formularios con AngularJS. Meetup AngularJS Madrid
2 @carlosazaustre/api-helpers Helpers functions to REST API developments
2 @jorgecasar/leap-motion An element providing a wrapper for Leap Motion. :arrow_upper_right:
2 @vieron/jquery.slidingTabs A jQuery plugin for create animated tabs style carousel that load dynamic content via ajax
2 @jorgecasar/llevalosalaescuela-w… Demo de la campaña hecha con NodeJS y WebSockets :arrow_upper_right:
2 @vieron/tuik Themable User Interface Kit :arrow_upper_right:
2 @jorgecasar/deckjs-Theme-Codemot… It's a DeskJS theme to use in Codemotion presentations
2 @vieron/curso-js Presentacion para el curso de JS :arrow_upper_right:
2 @jorgecasar/karmacracy-javascrip… A Javascript wrapper for Karmacracy API. :arrow_upper_right:
2 @erikras/postmessage-client-s… A simple promise-based client and server to communicate between pages and iframes with postmessage.
2 @jaraen/AlloyGalleryLessons Lessons for my Titanium alloy course, divided by days
2 @carlosazaustre/generator-mean-redis A Yeoman generator based in MEAN Stack, plus Redis and Stylus
2 @ajsb85/snic-desktop Smart Near-Infrared Control (Control Cercano Infrarrojo Inteligente) App Desktop
2 @carlosazaustre/grunt-node-sandbox A sandbox for testing node apps with Grunt
2 @hhariri/MetaBlogAPI Doh! Another Blog Engine
2 @ajsb85/ofisafas Web Site :arrow_upper_right:
2 @ajsb85/instantbird-protocol… Assists to setup a chat account for IT Next Consultant, LLC :arrow_upper_right:
2 @Atinux/machinepack-cloudina… SDK for working with Cloudinary platform.
2 @ajsb85/whatsapp-helper For easy input text on WhatsApp with ADB. :arrow_upper_right:
2 @Atinux/node-project A boilerplate for any node.js application (MongoDB + Redis + Socket.IO)
2 @miquelcamps/jQuery.Sharebox
2 @Atinux/pjs-template Pajamas.js (PJS) Template engine
2 @miquelcamps/html2charts.js
2 @Atinux/MultiBalls Canvas + Socket.IO + Node.js => MultiBalls ! :arrow_upper_right:
2 @ajsb85/iceweasel-addon-xana… Xanadu Firefox Modifications :arrow_upper_right:
2 @wout/trustfeed.js A library-agnostic micro API wrapper for Trustpilot.
2 @ajsb85/instantbird-protocol… :arrow_upper_right:
2 @carlosazaustre/angular-course Material curso básico de AngularJS
2 @ajsb85/jetpack-module-pac A browser supporting PAC provides access to a list of functions as defined in the original Netscape Specification.
2 @christkv/browser-mongodb Use MongoDB from the browser
2 @dciccale/grunt-git-committers Get the committers from a git repository with some sorting and formatting options
2 @ajsb85/instantbird-protocol… Assists to setup a chat account for manoderecha :arrow_upper_right:
2 @dciccale/media-viewer HTML5 BlackBerry 10 app to browse and access all your phone media, pictures, videos, etc, from the device and SDCard
2 @ajsb85/snic-firefox-addon Smart Near-Infrared Control (Control Cercano Infrarrojo Inteligente) Firefox Add-On :arrow_upper_right:
2 @dciccale/
2 @ajsb85/instantbird-protocol… Assists to setup a chat account for ZTE Data Cards with P18X Web UI. :arrow_upper_right:
2 @ajsb85/mozilla-addon-suscer… SUSCERTE Root Certificate Importer :arrow_upper_right:
2 @dciccale/noflash NoFlash Chrome Extension blocks flash from the page until activated manually, or add urls to the white list to exclude sites from blocked.


:star2: Name Description 🌍
2789 @antoniolg/androidmvp MVP Android Example
2723 @ManuelPeinado/FadingActionBar Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app
1371 @dexafree/MaterialList An Android library aimed to get the beautiful CardViews that Google shows at its official design specifications
1251 @antoniolg/MaterialEverywhere Showcase of the new AppCompat 21, which includes new Material Theme, working in pre-21 devices.
1176 @ManuelPeinado/GlassActionBar Android - a library that adds a glass-like effect to the action bar.
919 @antoniolg/MaterializeYourApp Example of a Material App for Android
909 @txusballesteros/bubbles-for-android Bubbles for Android is an Android library to provide chat heads capabilities on your apps. With a fast way to integrate with your development.
872 @glomadrian/RoadRunner Road Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image
871 @txusballesteros/welcome-coordinator Welcome Coordinator for Android
868 @glomadrian/material-animated-sw… A material Switch with icon animations and color transitions
840 @ManuelPeinado/MultiChoiceAdapter Android - A ListView adapter with support for multiple choice modal selection
820 @jlmd/AnimatedCircleLoadin… An animated circle loading view
802 @glomadrian/loading-balls A highly configurable library to do loading progress with animated balls
749 @alorma/TimelineView Cute timeline view for android
737 @glomadrian/MvpCleanArchitecture A sample project using Clean architecture and MVP in Android
711 @VictorAlbertos/RxCache Reactive caching library for Android and Java
702 @Sefford/CircularProgressDraw… A drawable with capabilities to indicate progress.
701 @txusballesteros/sliding-deck SlidingDeck View for Android
674 @ManuelPeinado/RefreshActionItem Android - An action bar item which acts both as a refresh button and as a progress indicator
592 @javiersantos/MaterialStyledDialog… A library that shows a beautiful and customizable Material-based dialog with header. API 11+ required.
591 @JMPergar/AwesomeText A tool that facilitates working with Spans on TextViews or any extension of them (EditTexts, Buttons...).
547 @javiersantos/PiracyChecker An Android library that prevents your app from being pirated / cracked using Google Play Licensing (LVL), APK signature protection and more. API 8+ required.
540 @glomadrian/velocimeter-view A velocimeter View for Android
535 @glomadrian/material-code-input A material style input for codes
518 @jlmd/UpcomingMoviesMVP Sample project of MVP and Material Design using as repository a list of upcoming movies
497 @txusballesteros/fit-chart Fit Chart is an Android view similar to Google Fit wheel chart.
463 @glomadrian/dashed-circular-prog… A Circular progress animated where you can put any view inside
462 @javiersantos/AppUpdater A library that checks for your apps' updates on Google Play, GitHub, Amazon, F-Droid or your own server. API 8+ required.
417 @antoniolg/RecyclerViewExtensio… A library focused on making the use of RecyclerView for Android easier
377 @ManuelPeinado/ImageLayout Android - A layout that arranges its children in relation to a background image
370 @ManuelPeinado/QuickReturnHeader A ListView/ScrollView header that hides when scrolling down and reappears immediately when scrolling up, regardless of how far down the list we've gone. Like the one from the Google Keep app.
317 @txusballesteros/AutosizeEditText AutosizeEditText for Android is an extension of native EditText that offer a smooth auto scale text size.
317 @javiersantos/BottomDialogs An Android library that shows a customizable Material-based bottom sheet. API 11+ required.
299 @txusballesteros/Android-Clean-Testin… Android Testing Sample Project
282 @antoniolg/DaggerExample Android project using Dagger library
255 @javiersantos/MLManager A modern, easy and customizable app manager for Android with Material Design :arrow_upper_right:
247 @ManuelPeinado/NumericPageIndicator Android - A ViewPager page indicator that displays the current page number and (optionally) the page count
239 @txusballesteros/snake Snake View is a simple and animated linear chart for Android.
211 @glomadrian/Android-Material-cir… Animated Material circular button
209 @txusballesteros/android-transformer An Android library to manage your data transformations between your POJO objects.
200 @VictorAlbertos/RxSocialConnect-Andr… OAuth RxJava extension for Android.
196 @VictorAlbertos/RxActivityResult A reactive-tiny-badass-vindictive library to break with the OnActivityResult implementation as it breaks the observables chain.
144 @javiersantos/WhatsAppBetaUpdater An app to update WhatsApp to the latest beta version available on Android. Based on Material Design.
95 @VictorAlbertos/RxGcm [DEPRECATED] RxJava extension for Android Google Cloud Messaging (aka gcm).
92 @trishagee/sense Demo app that subscribes to Twitter and publishes it via websockets
82 @antoniolg/LimeApp Open source Application based on the tutorials written in The best way to quickly test tutorial result.
74 @alorma/GithubContributorsLi… A library to easily show open source (Github) project contributors
73 @ManuelPeinado/FadingActionBar-Nati… Android - A version of FadingActionBar that works with the native action bar.
62 @VictorAlbertos/Mockery Android and Java library for mocking and testing networking layers with built-in support for Retrofit.
61 @Sefford/kor A clean architecture implementation
60 @ManuelPeinado/RefreshActionItem-Na… Android - A version of RefreshActionItem that works with the native action bar
58 @txusballesteros/mara Mara is a library to provide traits or composition capabilities to your Android or Java projects.
53 @javiersantos/Moticons Moticons is a simple, easy and modern app to manage and use Japanese Emoticons with Material Design :arrow_upper_right:
51 @txusballesteros/android-bind This library helps you on the data binds between your model entities and your application UI.
47 @carlossg/glacier-cli Amazon AWS Glacier command line interface
46 @javiersantos/AdBlockerAdvise Android Library that checks if there is an Ad Blocker enabled and shows a customizable dialog. API 8+ required.
44 @Sloy/gallego Lightweight Optionals for Java 7
44 @antoniolg/BrandedLaunchScreen An example on how to implement a Branded Launch Screen in Android
37 @Sefford/BeAuthentic Authentication Demo repository
36 @VictorAlbertos/RestAPIParseAuthClea… An android implementation of an authentication system based on the Parse Api using the design patters suggested by Robert C. Martin (aka Uncle Bob) on his “clean architecture”.
30 @Sloy/okresponsefaker OkHttp response faker. Provide "fire and forget" fake responses to OkHttp through interceptors.
27 @jperedadnr/Game2048FX Game 2048FX v1.0.4 released for Desktop, Android and iOS
26 @alorma/capsulecorp CapsuleCorp library provides easy way to display images text and colors in a square view
22 @VictorAlbertos/RxFcm RxJava extension for Android Firebase Cloud Messaging (aka fcm).
22 @txusballesteros/PasswordEditText Reveal Password EditText for Android
22 @dexafree/SeriesCountdown SeriesCountdown is an Open Source Android application that allows you to check when will the next episode of your favorite series be available.
21 @VictorAlbertos/Jolyglot Agnostic Json abstraction to perform data binding operations for Android and Java.
20 @VictorAlbertos/RxCacheSamples How to use RxCache for both Android and Java projects
18 @jlmd/SimpleNeuralNetwork Simple neural network implementation in Java
17 @txusballesteros/crazy-image-view CrazyImageView for Android
17 @nhpatt/RxInPractice Repository for a workshop about RxJava and RxAndroid
16 @Sefford/brender Implementation of a Renderer pattern for Android
15 @antoniolg/NavigationDrawerComp…
15 @ManuelPeinado/GoogleDirectionsClie… An Android client for the Google Directions API
14 @antoniolg/tutorials Code for tutorials on
14 @glomadrian/transmutation A simple, easy and usable java model mapper
13 @Sefford/material-in-30-minut… Sample app for Material in 30 minutes talk
13 @trishagee/mongodb-getting-star… Some examples of how to use the MongoDB Java driver, via unit tests.
10 @Sloy/SeviBus-2-Old
10 @glomadrian/wallapop-code-test Wallapop code test for Android Developer
9 @LuisJoseSanchez/aprende-java-con-eje…
9 @Sloy/Jelly-Bean-Notificat… Application with examples of the new kinds of notifications introduced in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
9 @antoniolg/Voice-Search-Example An quick example on how to integrate our App with Google Now by using Voice Search
9 @carlossg/jenkins-kubernetes-p… MOVED TO jenkinsci :arrow_upper_right:
9 @alorma/expenses App to manage your daily expenses
8 @Sloy/SeviBus Source of the current version of SeviBus for Android
8 @ManuelPeinado/TwelveRules Android - a library that makes it easier and safe to work with SQLite databases
8 @Sefford/fraggle A wrapper for Fragment Manager that streamlines some common operations over Fragments
8 @ManuelPeinado/LocationService Android library that simplifies working with the new fused location provider
7 @ManuelPeinado/AddressFragment
7 @alorma/SharingAccounts Example of how android share accounts
7 [@ManuelPeinado](ht