
Get the dominant colors of an image

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mainColors from '';



Get the main colors of an image. The main colors are determined with the dbscan clustering algorithm.


Basic usage:

import mainColors from "main-colors";
const colors = await mainColors("image.jpg");

The computed colors are in RGB format as a tuple (array) type and are sorted by their percantage of the picture:

for (let color of mainColors) {
    console.log("RGB: " + color[0] + ", " + color[1] + ", " + color[2]);

With options:

import mainColors from "main-colors";

const options = {
    sensitivity: 95, // default: 90
    minClusterSize: 15, // default: 10
    distanceFunction: undefined,

const colors = await mainColors("home.png", options);

sensitivity indicates the accuracy with which colors are compared (0-100%).
minClusterSize indicates how large the percentage of a color must be in the image, to be included in the result (0-100%).
The default distanceFunction can be found here as delta C.