
A high-level developer friendly interface to interact with Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network (prototype stage)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mainnetJs from '';



A high-level developer friendly interface to interact with Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network (prototype stage)


This code is in a prototype stage, so there is no backwards-compatibility guarantee


git clone

Running library tests

npx test

or (a bit slower):

yarn test

The testing harness should automatically start a docker image with a Bitcoin Cash Node and Fulcrum in regtest mode. The test covers the library, as well as the rest API server.

Running browser tests

npx test:browser


yarn test:browser

Tests in the browser require for the library to be bundled for the browser. With:

yarn build

The bundle is built with webpack and does not use browserify, rather it simply omits nodejs libraries. Browser tests are run against testnet, using secrets stored in a .env.testnet file or the environment variables ALICE_TESTNET_ADDRESS and ALICE_TESTNET_WALLET_ID. These variables should be protected to the extent that getting more testnet coins is an annoyance.



To implement even the simplest function, is a multi step process. It's fastest to follow these steps in order:

  1. Write the finished REST specification
  2. Implement the function in Typescript as closely to the pattern of the spec as possible
  3. Fully test the typescript functions
  4. Rebuild the REST server from spec
  5. Add required endpoint services, adding new files to .openapi-generator-ignore as necessary.
  6. Fully test the rest endpoints
  7. Finally, it must work in the browser so, fully test an integrated workflow with a *.test.headless.js file.


This is a specification driven project. The rest interface is defined using OpenAPI 3 in a folder called swagger.

Changes may be validated using openapi-generator locally using:

yarn api:validate

If you need better validation, you may also try a swagger web editor

Typescript library

All code for the javascript library should be contained in src/.

The javascript library is meant to mimic the REST API defined by the specification to the extent possible.

So the endpoint defined at wallet/send should match the behavior of mywallet.send(...) .

Prior to implementing a REST service, it is fastest to thoroughly test and debug issues in typescript.


Tests for the library are run with:

yarn test

Developing the API server

Much of the code for the REST server is automatically generated from the specification. NOTE the express server automatically enforces required fields and return types for the service.

The express server is committed in a folder called generated/serve but needs to be updated on any changes to the swagger specifications to match correctly:

yarn api:build:server

To install the requirements from project root:

yarn api:serve:install

Important: The server automatically uses a linked copy of mainnet-js referencing the project root directory. It is important to note that this is essentially a symlink version and removing node_modules/mainnet-js/* on the server may attempt to delete the project root directory contents. It is safe to remove generated/serve/node_modules/, but never attempt to remove the contents of generated/serve/node_modules/mainnet-js/ without unlinking first:

# in ./generated/serve/
yarn unlink mainnet-js

rm 'generated/client/typescript-mock/model/valueType.ts' To start the API server for development:

yarn api:serve

To run multiple instances of the API server in "cluster" mode:

yarn api:serve:cluster

REST Testing

Tests for the express server may be run with:

yarn test:api

The mainnet-js package is linked to the REST expressServer automatically after installing the respective package requirements. Updating mainnet-js with code changes is handled automatically by the test:api command.

If the mainnet-js library function being tested is not implemented correctly, no amount of debugging the service endpoint will cause it to work.

If there are any failing tests in REST assure that similar coverage exists in mainnet-js src prior to debugging.

Browser Testing

Browsers do not have access to many standard node libraries by design. For this reason, some libraries either don't work in the browser or don't work in nodejs.

All browser tests are denoted by *.test.headless.js.

Integration tests for the browser can be run so:

yarn test:browser

Unit testing is not as critical for the browser, but may be helpful in places, to narrow the scope of potential issues.

Developing API clients

To generate clients in a particular language, use:

yarn api:build:client <generator_name>

For a list of generators see:

If you need additionalProperties passed to the client generator, these may be added in he wrapper script

Configuration Variables


PORT=3000  # The port express will run on
URL_PATH   # The url express is serving from

WORKERS=10 # How many threads to run express on
TIMEOUT=60 # sets the default timeout for requests


Postgres configuration is passed url encoded


By default, the API service assumes it is connected to a secured private postgres database. If you intend to expose the api to the general public this setting MUST be changed to 'false', default is true.


Wallet Behavior

In nodejs only, Controls the number responses from electrum-cash nodes that must be in agreement for a network response to return



If you would like to mine some regtest coins, the following environment variables are used:


The above variables should be configured already in .env.regtest for integration tests against docker services

Regtest Wallet

Below are the public and private keys for a regtest wallet

PRIVATE_SEED="pink wash guitar agree screen suspect soon misery dog menu issue recipe"

Testnet Wallet

For now, testnet integration tests use static wallets:

ALICE_TESTNET_ADDRESS   # A testnet address    ALICE_TESTNET_WALLET_ID # A wallet in mainnet serialized format
BOB_TESTNET_ADDRESS     # A wallet for the Bob
BOB_TESTNET_WALLET_ID   # His serialized walletId

These will be removed at a later date when an API is configured.

Deployment and package publishing

The workflow is simple, bump the version, commit, push to github and create a release with a tag name equal to the version to which the project got bumped.

The github actions will then take care about everything else.

See details below.


The version format follows the semver - semantic versioning.

Use the bump_version utility to increment the project version. It will as well be propagated to swagger API version.


Incrementing version

Execute node bump_version.js to simply increase the project's patch version.

Incrementing other versions

Use node bump_version.js major, node bump_version.js minor, node bump_version.js patch to increase x, y and z in the x.y.z version format, respectively.

Use node bump_version.js prerelease rc, node bump_version.js prerelease alpha, node bump_version.js prerelease beta to increase the prerelease version with rc, alpha or beta designations.

node bump_version.js prerelease rc will produce version x.y.z-rc.0. With 0 incrementing further to 1, etc.

Enforcing certain version

Execute node bump_version.js x.y.z to set the project and swagger version to x.y.z


Upon creation of a new release on the github, the github publishing actions will be triggered.

Among these are:

  • docker image with API REST server for self hosting mainnet/mainnet-rest, requires DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD secret
  • rest server, requires COMMIT_USER_TOKEN secret, which is the github access token
  • npm package mainnet-js, requires NPM_TOKEN secret
  • python pypi package mainnet with autogenerated client, requires PYPI_TOKEN secret
  • php composer package mainnet/mainnet with autogenerated client, requires PACKAGIST_TOKEN secret

Trying to republish/rerelease the same version will fail miserably