
Merge environment variables into config object

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import makeConf from '';


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Config builder for Node projects. Merges environment variables with default config object(s) to produce simple config object and allows all config options to be overridable via environment variables.


npm install make-conf --save


All keys are converted to camel-case and nested appropriately based on the following rules:

  • Single underscore -> camel-case (e.g. NODE_ENV becomes nodeEnv)
  • Double underscore -> nested object (e.g. APP__NAME becomes

After converting keys, values are merged:

  • Objects are merged recursively
  • All other values (e.g. arrays, strings) are replaced


Pass in any config sources to get merged config result.

const makeConf = require('make-conf');

// Using a default object
const conf = makeConf({ nodeEnv: 'development', appName: 'awesome-app' }, ...configObjects)

// Using folder of YAML files
const conf = makeConf({ someKey: 'default' }, ...fs.readdirSync('./config').map(file => yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(path.join('./config', file), 'utf8'))));

// Example
// Environment variables: NODE_ENV=production APP__VERSION=2.0.0
const conf = makeConf({ nodeEnv, 'development', app: { name: 'Test', version: '1.0.0' }}, { app: { name: 'makeConf' }});
// { nodeEnv: 'production', app: { name: 'makeConf', version: '2.0.0' }}