
πŸ—Ί Zero-dependency Map and RegExp based string replacer with Unicode support. 🍁

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mappedReplacer from '';


πŸ—Ί Mapped Replacer 🍁

Zero-dependency Map and RegExp based string replacer with Unicode support.

Requires ES6 or later, for compatibility check this Can I Use link.

✨Since v.1.1.0 Mapped Replacer is a hybrid module that supports both CommonJS (legacy) and ES modules, thanks to Modern Module.

Table of contents


npm i mapped-replacer


addRule(key: string, value: string): boolean

Adds a new rule or updates the existing rule for character replacing.

import { MappedReplacer } from 'mapped-replacer'

const mapper = new MappedReplacer()

mapper.addRule(':smile:', 'πŸ˜€')

console.log(mapper.replace('Hello world :smile:')) // outputs 'Hello world πŸ˜€'

addRules(rules: Object): boolean

Adds rules or updates the existing rules for character replacing.
Passed object is a simple key-value object, i.e. { '<': '&#60;', '>': '&#62;'}

import { MappedReplacer } from 'mapped-replacer'

const mapper = new MappedReplacer()

  '𝕋': '&#120139;',
  'β‰ˆ': '&#8776;',
  '𝔱': '&#120113;',

console.log(mapper.replace('𝕋 β‰ˆ 𝔱')) // outputs '&#120139; &#8776; &#120113;'

removeRule(key: string): boolean

Removes the rule that matches the provided key.

import { MappedReplacer } from 'mapped-replacer'

const mapper = new MappedReplacer()

mapper.addRule('𝕋', '&#120139;')
mapper.addRule('β‰ˆ', '&#8776;')


console.log(mapper.replace('𝕋 β‰ˆ 𝔱')) // outputs '𝕋 &#8776; 𝔱'

rulesCount(): number

Gets the number of rules for character replacing.

import { MappedReplacer } from 'mapped-replacer'

const mapper = new MappedReplacer()

mapper.addRule('𝕋', '&#120139;')

console.log(mapper.rulesCount()) // outputs 1

clearRules(): void

Clears all the rules.

import { MappedReplacer } from 'mapped-replacer'

const mapper = new MappedReplacer()

mapper.addRule('𝕋', '&#120139;')

console.log(mapper.rulesCount()) // outputs 0

replace(input: string): string

Replaces the values in the input that match the keys in the Map object.

import { MappedReplacer } from 'mapped-replacer'

const mapper = new MappedReplacer()

mapper.addRule('β†’', '&#8594;')

console.log(mapper.replace('a β†’ b')) // outputs 'a &#8594; b'


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