
Extract portions of text fro ma markdown content

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import markdownExtract from '';



A command line tool to extract a paragraph from a markdown content.


    cat | md-extract <what> 


Run the following commands to download and install the application:

npm i markdown-extract -g


It also provide an api which provides more options than the binnary interface.

    var mdExtract = require('markdown-extract')
    mdExtract ({type: /heading/, text: /Usage/, gnp: true}).join('\n')

See more in the test suite and it s markdown version.


It exposes an unique function, with three signatures

    mdExtract (what[, markedOpt[, text]])
    mdExtract (what, markedOpt)
    mdExtract (what, text)
  • what: The lookup object, regexp, or string
  • markedOpt: The options passed to marked, default to {gfm:true}
  • text: The markdown text to parse, it not provided it will fallback to file on cwd

This function parses the markdown content, searching for nodes that matches your criterions.

It will return only their text, as an array of string, in order of appearance in the file.

  • if it s a string or a regexp, it selects nodes with matching type or text property
  • if it s an array of string, it selects nodes of those types
  • if it s a number, it selects nodes with given depth
  • if it s an object, then it can have type/text/depth properties with values that matches above logic.
  • if it s an object, and it s have a property (grepNextParagraph || gnp)==true, then, the search is made based on heading nodes, the results is all the following text node of each matched heading.

The last option is the most interesting to me as you can match a heading such ## Usage, but gets only it s following text.

    mdExtract ({type: /heading/, text: /Usage/, gnp: true}).join('\n')

How to contribute

  1. File an issue in the repository, using the bug tracker, describing the contribution you'd like to make. This will help us to get you started on the right foot.
  2. Fork the project in your account and create a new branch: your-great-feature.
  3. Commit your changes in that branch.
  4. Open a pull request, and reference the initial issue in the pull request message.
