
This is an Angular Material library that was created to make form designing easier and intuitive, you just need to send a json object to generate a fully functional form.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import matDynamicForm from '';


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Mat Dynamic Form

This is an Angular Material library that was created to make form designing easier and intuitive, you just need to send a json object to generate a fully functional form.


npm i mat-dynamic-form


Angular Material

Angular Material Documentation

ng add @angular/material

This is necesary to create angular material components.



import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { MatDynamicFormModule } from 'mat-dynamic-form';

  imports: [
  providers: [],

export class AppModule {}


<mat-dynamic-form  [structure]="formStructure"></mat-dynamic-form>


This is an example of a full sing up form.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { Button, Checkbox, DatePicker, Dropdown, FormListener, FormStructure, Input, InputFile, InputPassword, OptionChild, RadioGroup, TextArea } from 'projects/mat-dynamic-form/src/public-api';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, FormListener {

  formStructure: FormStructure;

  constructor() {
    this.formStructure = new FormStructure();

    this.formStructure.title = 'Sign Up';
    this.formStructure.appearance = 'standard';
    this.formStructure.globalValidators = Validators.required;
    this.formStructure.nodes = [
      new Input('name', 'Name').apply({
        icon: 'person'
      new Button('find', 'Find', { callback: this, style: 'primary' }).apply({
        icon: "search",
        singleLine: false
      new Input('tel', 'Phone Number').apply({
        icon: 'phone'
      new DatePicker('bDate', 'BirthDate').apply({
        action: { callback: this, type: 'change' }
      new Dropdown('cStatus', 'Civil Status', [
        new OptionChild('Single', 'SI',),
        new OptionChild('Maried', 'MR')
        selectedValue: 'SI',
        disabled: true
      new InputFile('profPic', 'Profile Picture').apply({
        accept: '.png, .jpg, .jpeg'
      new RadioGroup('hasPet', 'Has Pet', [
        new OptionChild('Yes', 'y'),
        new OptionChild('Not', 'n'),
        selectedValue: 'n',
        action: { type: 'change', callback: this }
      new InputPassword('pass', 'Password'),
      new TextArea('comments', 'Comments').apply({
        singleLine: true,
        validator: Validators.maxLength(100),
        maxCharCount: 100
      new CustomNode<InputComponent>('custom1', InputComponent, { label: 'Custom 1', placeholder: 'Custom Placeholder 1' }),
      new CustomNode<InputComponent>('custom2', InputComponent, { label: 'Custom 2', placeholder: 'Custom Placeholder 2' }),
      new Checkbox(
        `I have read and agree to the terms of DynamicForm License Agreement, <strong><a href=''>Read the license here.<a </strong>`
        singleLine: true,
        validator: Validators.requiredTrue
      new CustomNode<InputComponent>('custom3', InputComponent, { label: 'Custom 3', placeholder: 'Custom Placeholder 2' }),
    this.formStructure.validateActions = [
      new Button('cancel', 'Cancel', {
        callback: this, style: 'warn'
        icon: 'close'
      new Button('save', 'Save', {
        callback: this, style: 'primary',
        validateForm: true,
        icon: 'save'

  ngOnInit(): void {

  onEvent(id: string, value: any): void {
    if (id == 'hasPet') {
      const nodes = [
        new Dropdown('petType', 'Pet Type', [
          new OptionChild('Dog', 'PD'),
          new OptionChild('Cat', 'PC')
        new Input('breed', 'Pet Breed'),
        new Input('petName', 'Pet Name')
      if (value == 'y') {
        this.formStructure.createNodes(7, nodes)
      } else this.formStructure.removeNodes(nodes)

  onClick(actionId: string): void {
    switch (actionId) {
      case 'save':
        this.formStructure?.pathValue({ name: 'Carlos', hasPet: 'y' });
      case 'cancel':

Custom Component (TS)

This is an example of a custom componente ts child code.

  selector: 'app-input',
  templateUrl: './input.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./input.component.scss']
export class InputComponent implements OnInit {
  control: FormControl; // <-- You must have to add this property

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {

Custom Component (HTML)

This is an example of a custom componente html child code.

<mat-form-field class="col-12" appearance="fill">
  <input type="email" matInput placeholder="{{placeholder}}" [formControl]="control"> <!-- You must have to bind control property with your custom component fields -->

Resulting Form


Node Types


Apply Method



new TextArea('comments', 'Comments').apply({
    // All the properties of the object you´re using "apply" method.
    singleLine: true, 
    validator: Validators.maxLength(100), 
    maxCharCount: 100 

This method can be used in all classes of the lib (like kotlin apply).