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Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mdol from '';



PRs Welcome TypeScript npm npm

Simple and easy way to populate Markdowns automatically, like file. Handlebars simpler alternative.

🏗️Project still in very early dev state!

You shouldn't use this right now. I may or not already be using this in some personal projects, but it isn't publicly ready yet. Also, this README is more like a draft right now -- not everything here is already implementeded or even won't ever be.

⤴️ Motivation

  • I kept editing by mistake my instead of the README.hbs.
  • I wanted some nice warns/reminders on the if that part was code-generated.
  • I don't like documentating at all, so I wanted a more plug and play solution, without having to learn too much new stuff about it.
  • {{}}, as Handlebars/Mustache uses, is annoying for React project docs.
  • Integration with typedoc and typedoc-plugin-markdown.
  • Contributors had to deal with the .hbs to change the README. Not newbie friendly at all.
  • Inform the contributor where the data is being generated, where it can be changed.
  • Inform in the README how to generate the doc.
  • Tags for common content, like badges and accessing typedoc content.
  • I wanted it to be in my way! 🤠


  • Easy for anyone to edit the README. Intuitive and quick to catch up.
  • No need to npm i to change the README. The prepare script in .mdol.js must contain npx packages calls or local functions.
  • .mdol.js alone should usually be able to contain all the README needs.
  • Integration with common tools
  • Now focusing in JS/TS env, but it shall also have space for supporting other languages in the future.



Spaces around are allowed: <!--$ yourProp -->



  • The arguments are parsed as JSON5.
  • undefined value is not supported, but null is.
  • They may either return a string or an object, so nested access with function returns is supported.

When closing, / before the $!! It's more noticeable that way.

<!--$ @typedoc-md.interface(ShadowI, {table})->>

maybe #? Automatic stringify. Do also allow string version. just {prop} will set it as true.

<!--$badges--> will call badges() with some default argument, like reading .mdol.js badges config. This allows props becoming functions if now it may accept arguments.


Closes the previous tag.


This will be converted to an open/close tag on compilation.

  • In VSCode, if you Ctrl+/ in your .md file, it will comment the current line with <!-- -->. Just add the $ to it!

TODO npx mdol clean - Clear all tags content.


npm install -D mdol
# or
yarn add -D mdol
# or run directly with npx
npx mdol



I somewhat randomly opted for the $ char at the tag, like <!--$yourProp-->. Markdown, md. $, dolar. mdolar? mdol!


  • Add guide for people who are contributing to some Link this guide on the README signs.
  • In this guide or near, have the scripts descriptions.
  • # tags, for mdol meta/commands usage. Ex:
    • buildInfo {updatedAt: utcDate, mdolVersion: 'x.x.x', ...}

    • info, for general comments

    • for (maybe not needed)

  • Maybe, for above, mdol placed tags could have another char, like &.