
Bot for automated requests to wikis using the MediaWiki API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mediawikiBot from '';


changes in v1.1

  • added manual get and post methods
  • added getToken method
  • added end param to revert
  • changed CatMember into a class with custom toString method
  • improved type / ns parameter handling in getCatMembers (including switching places of type and ns)
  • added reLogin parameter to bot constructor
  • added cutServerResponse param to upload (the default status message of uploads is very long because the entire file page content is included; this info is cut out per default now)
  • changed return values from editing bot actions (instead of an empty string, they now return the status message; this allows problem handling directly in the program)
  • changed bot action status message handling when noLogs is set to true (previously even console logs were blocked, now only the text logs are blocked)
  • reworked logs directory structure to separate logs from different urls
  • fixed bug in getTemplates that caused crashes when the template parsetree of the selected page was too big

How to use

General info

Your bot account must have bot rights. Otherwise most actions won't work.

Every bot action that interacts with your wiki returns a promise. Therefore you can structure your code with promise syntax (.then(), .catch()) or with async-await. In the examples I'll always use async-await.

Concerning waiting for server responses

It's always a good idea to at least wait for one server response per page you're doing something with (e. g. waiting for the page content). It is possible to make a program completely asynchronus but most wiki servers don't like it, which will cause problems resulting in some or a lot of requests don't getting through. The bot has some built-in functions to reduce problems with for example badtoken errors for edits, but this does not solve the problem.

In general I strongly recommend to wait for every single request except of edit requests that are at the end of your loop (if you're editing a set of pages).

Custom errors

Some actions can throw custom errors themselves (they are listed in the corresponding section of this file) and the error CantGetTokenError can happen for every editing action and login (because it happens in getting the token needed for the action). You can of course catch them but as long as you don't send too many requests at once to your wiki, you shouldn't need to.


Per default the bot automatically creates a directory "logs" where every editing action gets logged. This helps to find potential problems that occured when editing, without having to keep the terminal open. Each URL gets an own sub directory. This is especially relevant for reverting edits of the bot. To remove logs that are empty or contain only the login, you can use cleanUpLogFiles.

What can be imported

  • Bot
  • Logger

Classes/Interfaces that occur in return values:

  • Parameter
  • Template
  • Section
  • CatMember


  • tokenType
  • catMemberType

Custom errors:

  • UnsolvableErrorError,
  • BadTokenError,
  • PageDoesNotExistError,
  • CantGetTokenError,
  • ProtectedPageError,
  • SectionNotFoundError,
  • NoRevIdError,
  • UndoFailureError

Hello World

import { Bot } from 'mediawiki-bot';

const bot = new Bot('bot name', 'bot password', '');


async function main () {
    await bot.login();

    bot.edit('Bot testpage', 'Hello World!', 'edit summary');



  • bot name: string
  • bot password: string
  • url: string (api entrypoint url of your wiki; also relevant for logs)
  • noLogs: boolean (optional; whether all editing actions shall get logged in a folder, relevant for revert; default: false)
  • reLogin: boolean (optional; whether to automatically relogin when the bot gets logged out while editing; default: true)

If you're not sure what the api entrypoint of your wiki looks like, you can look it up on Special:Version.


No parameters. Just use:

await bot.login();


Returns the logger object. By using saveMsg(msg: string) you can add a custom log line to the current log file. Example:

const logger = bot.getLogger();
logger.saveMsg('test log');


By using


you can remove every logfile that is completely empty or has only one action (should be in all cases the login) logged.

Editing actions


Method: edit


  • page name: string | CatMember
  • new page text: string
  • edit summary: string
  • nocreate: boolean (optional; if set to true an error occurs when the page does not exist; default: true)
  • section name/index: string | number (optional)

Return value: string status message

Possible errors:

  • BadTokenError
  • PageDoesNotExistError
  • ProtectedPageError
  • SectionNotFoundError
  • UnsolvableErrorError


Method: move


  • from: string | CatMember
  • to: string | CatMember
  • summary: string
  • moveTalk: boolean (optional; default: true)
  • moveSubpages: boolean (optional; default: true)
  • noredirect: boolean (optional; default: true)

Return value: string status msg


Method: revert


  • user: string (if set to 'self' start and end aren't needed)
  • start: Date (optional) older timestamp (start of the time span, included)
  • end: Date (optional) newer timestamp (end of the time span, not included)

If user is set to 'self', this will revert the last set of bot edits that were sent to Bot.url (i. e. when Bot.url is x, recent edits to url y will be ignored, because the logs for different urls are separeted from each other). Only possible with a bot task that got logged (i. e. noLogs wasn't set to true in the Bot constructor). I only recommend to use this directly after a logged bot task if something went wrong. The bot only selects the starting time of the last task. Therefore not logged bot edits since the last logged set will get reverted as well!!

You can revert bot edits free of the logs by just setting user to your bot's name.

Return value: undefined


Method: upload


  • uploadType: 'remote' | 'local' (has to be 'remote', implementation of local file upload is planned but I have no idea when it will happen)
  • wantedName: string ('File:' at the beginning is NOT needed)
  • comment: string (upload comment that is also the initial content of the file page)
  • url: string
  • ignoreWarnings: boolean (optional; default: false)
  • cutServerResponse: boolean (optional; default: true; whether to remove file page content info of server response)

Return value: string status msg

Data actions

getting contents of a page

Method: getWikitext


  • page name: string | CatMember
  • section name/index: string | number (optional)

Return value: Page content in plain text.

Possible errors:

  • PageDoesNotExistError
  • SectionNotFoundError
  • UnsolvableErrorError

getting category members

Method: getCatMembers


  • category name: string
  • type: catMemberType (i. e. 'file' | 'page' | 'subcat') (optional; what kind of members will be returned; default: 'page')
  • namespaces: namespace[] (optional; array of namespaces (text names or numbers) that shall exclusevely be included in the resulting array)

Per default only Main namespace pages get included.

When using both type and namespaces the namespace exclusion is used on the already reduced list of pages.

Return value: array of CatMember objects.

CatMember class


  • ns: number (number of the namespace the page belongs to)
  • title: string (page name)


  • toString() (returns title)

Namespace names and numbers can be found here.

getting template data

Method: getTemplates


  • page name: string | CatMember
  • section name/index: string | number (optional)

Return value: Array of template objects.

Possible errors:

  • SectionNotFoundError

Template class


  • title: string
  • index: number (marks position, further information at attribute text of Parameter class)
  • params: Parameter[]


  • getParam(title: string): Parameter | null (for indexed parameters you can just use their number; keep in mind: param indices start at 1)
  • toWikitext(removeWhitespace: boolean): string
  • toString(): calls toWikitext(false)

Parameter class


  • title: string
  • indexed: boolean (true for params like in {{test|first param value}})
  • text: string (every template inside this param has a placeholder in the text attribute ##TEMPLATE:index## that marks its position (needed for toWikitext()))
  • templates: Template[]


  • toWikitext(removeWhitespace: boolean): string
  • toString(): calls toWikitext(false)

getting sections of a page

Method: getSections


  • page name: string

Return value: Array of Section objects:

    toclevel: number,
    level: string,
    line: string,//section title
    number: string,
    index: string,//section index
    fromtitle: string,//page name
    byteoffset: number,
    anchor: string//link anchor

Possible errors:

  • SectionNotFoundError

getting tokens

Method: getToken


  • type: tokenType (i. e. 'csrf' | 'login' | ... ; full list)

Return value: Token as a string

get and post

Method: get / post


  • opt: any (configuration object for request)

Most of the time, opt will probably look like this (qs for get and form for post):

    url: string,
    qs / form: {
        //post body / querystring parameters
        action: string,
        format = 'json'

Return value: Promise<string>


Let's replace some text with other text on all pages in a category.

import { Bot } from 'mediawiki-bot';

const bot = new Bot('bot name', 'bot password', '');


async function main () {
    await bot.login();

    const catMembers = await bot.getCatMembers('Category:Test');

    for (let page of catMembers) {	
        let content = await bot.getWikitext(page);

        content = content.replace(/old text/g, 'new text');

        bot.edit(page, content, 'bot example');

After finishing the bot task we realize that we somehow made a mistake and now want to revert everything.

import { Bot } from 'mediawiki-bot';

const bot = new Bot('bot name', 'bot password', '');


async function main () {
    await bot.login();


Now let's move to another situation. We have a page with multiple templates and want to modify some parameter values.

import { Bot } from 'mediawiki-bot';

const bot = Bot('bot name', 'bot password', '');


async function main() {
    const pageName = 'test page';

    await bot.login();

    const templates = await bot.getTemplates(pageName);
    const targetTemplate = templates.find(item => {
        return item.title === 'Cool table';

    //creating a text copy because we need the original template code for string replace
    const oldTemplateText = String(targetTemplate);

    const param = targetTemplate.getParam('coolnessRate');
    param.text = 'unlimited';

    //replacing template code and sending edit request ============================
    let content = await bot.getWikitext(pageName);
    content = content.replace(oldTemplateText, String(targetTemplate));

    bot.edit(pageName, content, 'template bot test');