
node.js multithreaded server with caching files, client script bundling, hot page/script/styles reload and proxy mode

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import medulla from '';



Multithreaded node.js server.


  • Multithreaded request handling.
  • Caching files in memory, use it for scripts, styles, texts etc.
  • Linking and packing client scripts as modules with "exports/require" functions (use Babel if you need es6 notation)
  • Automatic restart of the server when app source files changing.
  • Built-in proxy for forwarding requests.
  • Logging to files for commands: console.log() / .warn() / .error().
  • Hot reload slyles and scripts, and auto refreshing page in dev mode.
  • Quickly start of app developing.

(!) module in development, this is unstable version.


Simple server-side "Hello World!"


module.exports.onRequest = (io, req, res)=>{
    io.send('Hello World!');


    serverEntryPoint: "./server.es6",
    port: 3000,
    platforms : {
        "win32" : {"forcewatch":false},
        "linux" : {"forcewatch":true}

File structure

  • project/
    • node_modules/
    • package.json
    • launcher.conf.es6
    • server.es6

To start
Command: node launcher.conf.es6 -dev
Open in browser: localhost:3000

Client-side "Hello world!" with scripts auto-linking


module.exports.onRequest = io=>io.send('<div class="root"></div>');


var sayHello = require('say-hello.js');

var container = document.querySelector('div.root');
sayHello(container, 'world');


module.exports = function (container, to) {
    container.innerHTML = 'Hello ' + to + '!';


html {
    background: #f0f0f0;
    color: #090;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-family: sans-serif;


    serverEntryPoint : "",
    clientEntryPoint : "",
    platforms : {
        "win32" : {"forcewatch":false},
        "linux" : {"forcewatch":true}
    requireResolve: m=>require.resolve(m)

File structure

  • project/
    • node_modules/
    • package.json
    • launcher.conf.es6
    • server.es6
    • client.js
    • say-hello.js
    • styles.css

To start
Command: node launcher.conf.es6 -dev
Open in browser: localhost:3000


As npm package
npm i medulla

As git repository (with examples)
git clone


Server launcher and config

Create launcher (e.g. launcher.conf.js) and require medulla with some settings (for example):


const medulla = require('medulla');

    serverEntryPoint : "./myServerApp.js",
    port      : 3000,
    platforms : {
        "win32" : {"forcewatch":false},
        "linux" : {"forcewatch":true}

(!) if you change this file, you need restart medulla manually.

List of all available settings with default values:

  • serverEntryPoint: "./server.js"
    Path to your app server scripts entry point.

  • clientEntryPoint: null
    Path to your app client scripts entry point, set if you need linking and packing scripts

  • serverDir: process.cwd()
    Path to app dir.

  • port: 3000
    Server port.

  • watchForChanges: flags.WATCH_SOURCE
    if set "medulla.flags.WATCH_SOURCE", server will watch for modules and cached files and automatically restart workers or update the cache each time it changes. If WATCH_ALL - watch for all files, if WATCH_NO - not watching.

  • forcewatch: false
    Set true if "" don't work correctly (with some OS/IDE) and server not reacting on file changes.

  • platforms: {}
    Individual configs for specific platforms (process.platform) in format "platform_name" : {"setting":"value"}.

  • hosts: {}
    Individual configs for specific hosts (os.hostname()) in format "hostname" : {"setting":"value"}.

  • devMode: false
    If set "true", server working in the devMode.

  • logging: {level: flags.LOG_WARNING, dir: process.cwd(), separatedTypes: true}
    Async logging to file for "console.log()", "console.warn()" and "console.error()" methods.

    • level: flags.LOG_TRACE
      min level for logging, can be: medulla.flags.LOG_TRACE, LOG_WARNING or LOG_ERROR.
    • dir: process.cwd()
      directory for .log files.
    • separatedTypes: true
      split log into several files by level.
  • hotcode: {enabled: true, showtraces: true}
    Hot reload pages, scripts and styles directly in browser (work only if devMode is true). (Also, you may using it with apache / nginx or other third-party servers, just set medulla as proxy.)

    • showtraces: true
      If set true, all changes will display in console.
  • watchIgnore: {...}
    Rules for ignoring files when watching. Represents a list of functions which return true if need ignore this file or directory.

  • dashboardPassword: null
    Password for dashboard

App main module (entry point)

Create the server-side main module of your app (e.g. myServerApp.js) and set fileSystem, dependent of settings some files will be watched by server:


module.exports.fileSystem = {    
    //static files in format 'src:url'
    "readme.txt"      : "readme.txt", //similar to "readme.txt":{type:"file", url:"readme.txt"}
    "public_html/~*?" : "~*?",        //all files from "public_html" folder and subfolders
    "images/*.png"    : "pic/*.png",  //all png files directly from "images" folder
    //cached files in format 'src:{params}'
    "somescript.js"         : {}                    //similar to "somescript.js":{type:"cached"}
    "bin/*.js"              : {url:"scripts/*.js"}, //all js files directly from "bin" folder
    "styles/~*.css"         : {type:"cached"}       //all css files from "bin" folder and subfolders
    "styles2/main-new.css"  : {type:"cached"},
    "bin/client-script.es6" : {type:"cached", url:"client-script.es6"}

(!) don't describe server/client modules in "fileSystem" list, all required modules added automatically.
(!) for watched files will be create watchers, therefore on some OS, directories which contain this files/folders may be blocked for rename or delete.

  • ~
    File dir/path

  • *
    File name

  • ?
    File extension

  • type:"cached"
    (Default value for files with props in curly braces)
    Add file content to variable (for each worker).

  • type:"file"
    (Default value for files with props as string)
    Will read file from disc in every request.

  • includeMedullaCode:false
    If set is true, medulla js code (plugins) will be included to this page (use for all html-pages).


  • reload: "lazy"
    Default value, page will reload when file changed and cursor will be moved in browser window.

  • reload: "hot"
    Set this value for file (css or js script) so that it reloaded without refreshing the page.
    (!) for script files recommended use only in the case, if they contains solely functions without side effects.

  • reload: "force"
    Page will reload immediately when file changed.

Default url is path to file, but you may specify it directly use url param.

To share included modules also as js script, use medulla.require function instead of require:


const myModule1 = medulla.require('./myModule1.js', {url:'client-module1.js', type:'cached'});
const myModule2 = medulla.require('./myModule2.js', {url:'client-module2.js', type:'file'});

Add extra mime types in format {"ext":"mime"}:


module.exports.mimeTypes : {
    "es6" : "application/javascript"

Describe the worker function for request handling:


module.exports.onRequest = io=>{
    if (io.url !== '/') io.send(404);
    else                io.send('<html><body>Hello World!</body></html>');

Or use it as proxy


module.exports.onRequest = io=>{

Start server

For start the server run the laucher:

node launcher.conf.js

or for start the server with dev plugins, run it with parameter:

node launcher.conf.js -dev

and open the site in browser (e.g. localhost:3000)

Common variables

You may share variables between workers using medulla.common method like this:

module.exports.onRequest = io=>{
    if (io.url !== '/') {

    //Counter of requests
        storage.counter = storage.sharedVariable || 0;
        storage.sharedVariable++;'Requests: ' + storage.sharedVariable)
    io.send('<html><body>It works!</body></html>');


You may see server status, or stop server use link: /medulla-dashboard

Console commands

  • version
    Show module current version.
  • stop
    Shutdown server.
