
RxJS utilities for React and Recompose.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import meteorRecompose from '';



npm version

RxJS utilities for Recompose.

npm install --save rx-recompose

It turns out that much of the React Component API can be expressed in terms of observables:

  • Instead of setState(), combine multiple streams together.
  • Instead of getInitialState(), use startWith().
  • Instead of shouldComponentUpdate(), use distinctUntilChanged(), debounce(), etc.

Other benefits include:

  • No distinction between state and props – everything is an stream.
  • No need to worry about unsubscribing from event listeners. Subscriptions are handled for you.
  • Sideways data loading is trivial – just combine the props stream with an external stream.
  • Access to the full ecosystem of RxJS libraries.

Examples to come.



  mapPropsStream: (props$: Observable) => Observable | { [propKey: string]: Observable },
  BaseComponent: ReactElementType
): ReactElementType

Maps an observable stream of owner props to a stream of child props, or to an object of observables.

In the second form, an object of streams is turned into an stream of objects. To illustrate, the following two mapPropsStream() functions are equivalent:

const mapPropsStream1 = () => Observable.just({ a, b, c }),

// Same as
const mapPropsStream2 = () => ({
  a: Observable.just(a),
  b: Observable.just(b),
  c: Observable.just(c)

The second form is often more convenient because it avoids the need for Observable.combineLatest(), but note that it is also more limiting: you must explicitly declare every prop that is passed to the base component. There's no way to pass through arbitrary props from the owner. For full control over the stream of props, use the first form.


createEventHandler(): Function & Subject

Creates a Subject that is also a function. When called, the subject emits a new value. This type of function is ideal for passing event handlers from observeProps():

const Counter = observeProps(
  props$ => {
    const increment$ = createEventHandler()
    const decrement$ = createEventHandler()

    const count$ = Observable.merge(
        increment$.map(() => 1),
        decrement$.map(() => -1)
      .scan((count, n) => count + n)

    return {
      increment: Observable.just(increment$),
      decrement: Observable.just(decrement$),
  ({ count, decrement, increment, ...props }) => (
    <div {...props}>
      Count: {count}
      <button onClick={increment}>+</button>
      <button onClick={decrement}>-</button>