
Configuration loader for Node.js, browsers & Deno.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import miconfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/miconfig';



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miconfig — Configuration loader for Node.js, browsers & Deno.


  • Easy: Designed for situations where a PhD into load configurations is infeasible.
  • Lightweight: no bloat, less than 1KB with all dependencies.
  • Isomorphic: Compatible with Node.js, browsers & Deno.
  • Flexible: Super easy load any kind of configuration.
  • Simple: The whole module is ~50 lines of code.


$ npm install miconfig --save


Load Configuration Files

In miconfig, a configuration has a NODE_ENV value associated.

You can load them for anywhere, e.g., from a folder called config:

├── index.js
└── config
   ├── default.js
   ├── production.js
   ├── staging.js
   └── test.js

Just call miconfig passing these configuration:

const loadConfig = require('miconfig')

const FILES = [
  NODE_ENV === 'development' ? undefined : NODE_ENV

const environment = FILES.reduce(
  (acc, key) => ({
    [key]: require(`./config/${key}`)

const config = loadConfig(environment)

In case you want to use a different file format (like YAML), you've to parser them before be loaded:

const loadConfig = require('miconfig')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const fs = require('fs')

const fromYaml = filepath => yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8'))

const FILES = [
  NODE_ENV === 'development' ? undefined : NODE_ENV

const environment = FILES.reduce(
  (acc, key) => ({
    [key]: fromYaml(`./config/${key}.yml`)

const config = loadConfig(environment)

The configuration default will always be loaded, being possible overwrite these defaults values by the current NODE_ENV configuration.

In case you want to use a different source of truth rather than NODE_ENV, you can pass it as second argument:

const loadConfig = require('miconfig')

const config = loadConfig({
  default: require('./config/default'),
  production: require('./config/default')
}, process.env.APP_ENV)

Accessing to configuration

After miconfig loads your configuration, you can safely access to any value

Safe access

// read a value, don't care if it's empty
const database = config.get('database')

Safe access + default value

// read a value, use a default if empty
const database = config.get('database', 'localhost')

Require access

// read a value, throw an error if it doesn't exist
const database = config.require('database')

Typecheck access

// check if a value exists
if (config.has('feature.prerender')) {
  console.log('prerender is enabled')

Additionally, you can retrieve more than one value at one time with destructuring assignment:

Destructuring safe access

// read multiple values, don't care if it's empty
const { timezone, database } = config

Destructuring require access

// read multiple values, throw an error if it doesn't exist
const { timezone, database } = config.required


miconfig © Kiko Beats, released under the MIT License. Logo by Absurd Design.

Authored and maintained by Kiko Beats with help from contributors.

kikobeats.com · GitHub Kiko Beats · Twitter @Kikobeats