
Test framework for Node.js middleware (Koa and Express)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import middlewareTestlab from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/middleware-testlab';



Test framework for Node.js middleware (Koa and Express)

Build Status MIT License


This library aims to reduce amount of boilerplate you need to write in order to test middleware. It is testing framework-agnostic and allows you to use any tool for managing test suites and assertions; middleware-testlab takes care of instantiating and shutting down application, controller and middleware instances.

Getting Started

Install middleware-testlab as an npm module and save it to your package.json file as a development dependency:

npm install middleware-testlab --save-dev

Once installed it can now be referenced by simply calling require('middleware-testlab'); If you want to access Typescript version of a library, call ``import { /desired imports/} from middleware-testlab/index-ts

Example (Express)

import request from 'supertest'
import { newExpressApp, DEFAULT_ENDPOINT } from 'middleware-testlab'
import { Request, Response } from 'express'
import { expressMiddleware } from './expressRequestMutationMiddleware'

describe('mutation middleware', () => {
  describe('express', () => {
    it('happy path', async () => {
      // Arrange: Instantiate app    
      const app = newExpressApp({
        // Arrange: Pass middleware under test
        routeMiddleware: [expressMiddleware()],
        transformedRequestAssertors: [
          (req: Request): void => {
          // Assert: Check middleware execution results inside endpoint handler
          // @ts-ignore
        // This is optional, if no handler is passed, default handler will return 204
        handler: (req: Request, res: Response, next: Function) => {

      // Act: Send request for middleware to process
      const response = await request(app).get(DEFAULT_ENDPOINT)

      // Assert: Check response

Example (Koa)

import { BaseContext } from 'koa'

import { newKoaApp, DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, KoaServerManagerJest } from 'middleware-testlab'
import { koaMiddleware } from './koaRequestMutationMiddleware'

describe('mutation middleware', () => {
  describe('koa', () => {
    const server = new KoaServerManagerJest()

    it('happy path', async () => {
      // Arrange: Instantiate app 
      const app = newKoaApp({
        // Arrange: Pass middleware under test
        routerMiddleware: [koaMiddleware()],
        transformedRequestAssertors: [
          (ctx: BaseContext): void => {
          // Assert: Check middleware execution results inside endpoint handler        
        // This is optional, if no handler is passed, default handler will return 204        
        handler: (ctx: BaseContext, next: Function) => {
          ctx.status = 204

      // Act: Send request for middleware to process
      const response = await server.request().get(DEFAULT_ENDPOINT)

      // Assert: Check response

Note that since SuperTest does not support passing instance of a Koa app directly to its agent, you need to wrap application instance into Node.js server. You can use KoaServerManager* helper classes for that, or invoke const server = app.listen(port) yourself.