
MittePro is a powerful marketing tool with features to help companies with their marketing goals and deliver emails from their websites and apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mitteproJs from '';



Client service, to send simple text emails or, using a template created at MittePro, send more complex emails.

In order to use this library, you must create an account in MittePro.

** It is not currently possible to create an account in MittePro, but will soon be **

How to install:

npm install mittepro-js

Follow the examples below to send simple emails or emails with templates:

Simple Emails:

'use strict';

var MittePro = require('mittepro-js');

var textMail = new MittePro.Mail({
    recipientList: ['Foo Bar <>', 'Fulano Aquino <>', '<>'],
    messageText: 'Simple text message.',
    from: 'Beutrano <>',
    subject: 'Just a test - Sended From Client'
var client = new MittePro.Client('<your_account_public_key>', '<your_account_secret_key>');
client.send(textMail).then(function (result) {
}, function (error) {

Template Emails:

'use strict';

var MittePro = require('mittepro-js');

var templateMail = new MittePro.Mail({
    recipientList: ['Foo Bar <>', 'Fulano Aquino <>', '<>'],
    from: 'Beutrano <>',
    templateSlug: 'test-101',
    context: {'foobar': true},
    contextPerRecipient: {
        '': {'foo': true},
        '': {'bar': true}
    useTplDefaultSubject: true,
    useTplDefaultEmail: false,
    useTplDefaultName: false

var client = new MittePro.Client('<your_account_public_key>', '<your_account_secret_key>');
client.sendTemplate(templateMail).then(function (result) {
}, function (error) {

Mail Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
recipientList List Yes List of all the recipients. The expected format is 'Name <email>' or '<email>'.
subject String Yes* The subject of the email. *In case your sending an email with template and pass useTplDefaultSubject as true then you don't need to pass the subject.
messageText String Yes* The message of the email on text format. *Only Required if your gonna send a simple text email.
messageHtml String No The message of the email on html format. *If pass this then you don't need to pass the templateSlug.
tags Dict/List No The tags must be an dictionary containing keys and simple values or an list with strings.
from String No* The email of the sender. The expected format is 'Name <email>' or '<email>'. *In case your sending an email with template and pass use_template_email as true then you don't need to pass this parameter.
templateSlug String No The templateSlug is the slug of the template. *Just pass this if your gonna send a email with template.
useTplDefaultName Bool No* If set to true it use the default value set to the sender's name.
useTplDefaultEmail Bool No* If set to true it use the default value set to the sender's email.
useTplDefaultSubject Bool No* If set to true it use the default value set to the subject.
getTextFromHtml Bool No* If set to true mittepro will extract from your html template an text version. This will only happen if your template doesn't already have an text version.
activateTracking Bool No* If set to true mittepro will track if your email will be open and how many times. Also it will track any links clicked inside the email.
context Dict No Global variables use in the Template. The format is expressed in the example (above).
contextPerRecipient Dict No Variables set for each recipient. The format is expressed in the example (above).

Client Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
key String Yes Your account's public key in the MittePro.
secret String Yes Your account's private key in the MittePro.