
Generic utility functions (Mixin Lodash)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mixDash from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/mix-dash';


Generic utility functions (Mixin Lodash)

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npm install mix-dash

Example Usage

var _ = require('mix-dash');

_.isNullOrUndefined(null); // return true
_.setNullwhenEmpty(''); // return null
_.isUrl('http://google.com'); // return true
_.isNullOrWhiteSpace(''); // return true
_.isNullOrWhiteSpace('  '); // return true
_.isNullOrWhiteSpace(null); // return true
_.isNullOrWhiteSpace('&nbsp;'); // return true
_.isNullOrWhiteSpace('Hello'); // return false
_.slug('Zero to Hero with Node.js');
// return zero-to-hero-with-node-js
// return http://localhost:3000/cart?couponCode=def

_.toKb(100000); // return 100K
_.toKb(9890000); // return 9,89M

_.isCrawl('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0'); // return false
_.isCrawl('facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)'); // return true
_.isCrawl('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)'); // return true

Convert seconds to hh:mm:ss javascript

_.toHHMMSS(15859); // return 04:24:19

Number format

_.numberFormat(10000000); // return 10,000,000

Random date range

_.randomDate(new Date('2016-04-01T03:24:00'),new Date('2016-05-01T03:24:00'));

Random String Password

//_.randomString(length, chars);

//Chars Include
//a: Include Lowercase ( e.g. abcdefgh )
//A: Include Uppercase ( e.g. ABCDEFGH )
//#: Include Numbers ( e.g. 123456789 )
//!: Include Symbols ( e.g. @#$% )

// return: 6A7FFY1049EXH8CBF6GK

// return: KFRnObQPuLmNyqMLnkiR

// FRBmz3RBlzsF8b57WAe6

// return: R]]^[V0b'igJA<A[i7&F

Convert json key

var map = {
    name : "id",
    amount : "total",
    reported : "updated",
    // date : "issued"
var a = {
    name : "Foo",
    amount: 55,
    reported : false,
    date : "10/01/2001"

_.mirror(a, map);

//{ id: 'Foo', total: 55, updated: false, date: '10/01/2001' }

Use with Vue


Conversion between the bitcoin base unit (BTC) and other units (Satoshi, μBTC, ...)

//['BTC', 'mBTC', 'μBTC', 'bit', 'Satoshi', 'sat']
_.toUnit(5,'BTC', 'sat');
// 500000000

_.toUnit(50000,'sat', 'BTC');
// 0.0005