
A minimalist aspect-oriented JavaScript mixin framework.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mixinALot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/mixin-a-lot';



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What is it?

A small aspect-oriented JavaScript mixin API.

Why use it?

  • You can advise mixin behavior with your own functions.
  • You can advise the mixing process with your own functions.
  • You can opt-out of mixin data and behavior.
  • It has no dependencies.


$ npm i mixin-a-lot

If you want type definitions

$ tsd link


Import the module:

import {mix} from 'mixin-a-lot';


A mixin is just a plain old JavaScript object. Mix it into your object, function or prototype.

Any mixed-in functions will always be called on the target context.

class Person {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

let named = {
  sayName() {

// mix into a Function
mix(Person, named);
Person.sayName(); // 'Person'

// or mix into its prototype
mix(Person.prototype, named);
new Person('Victor').sayName(); // 'Victor' 

// or mix into a random object
let object = {name: 'object'};
mix(object, named);
object.sayName(); // 'object'



let loggerMixin = {
  errLog: '/logs/app.err',
  infLog: '/logs/app.log',
  log: function(logEvent) {
    let {didError, message} = logEvent;
    if (didError) {
      fs.writeFile(this.errLog, `${this.logname}:${message}`); 
    } else {
      fs.writeFile(this.infLog, `${this.logname}:${message}`);

as a starting point.

You can write adapters to and from mixin methods.

let logger = {
  logname: 'prefix_logger'

let prefixMessage = function(error, message) {
  let prefix;
  if (!error) {
    prefix = 'INFO';
  } else {
    prefix = 'ERROR';
    if (!message) {
      message = error.message;
  return {didError: !!error, message: `${prefix}:${message}`};

mix(logger, loggerMixin, {
  adapterTo: {
    log: prefixMessage,

// writes 'prefix_logger:ERROR:error connecting to DB' to /logs/app.err
myLogger.log(new IOError('error connecting to DB'));
// writes 'prefix_logger:INFO:request @ /user/:id from yangmillstheory' to /logs/app.log
myLogger.log(null, `request @ /user/:id from ${user}`); 

Adapters are called on the target context before or after the mixin method.

An example of an post-adapter can be seen in the tests. It logs all messages written to disk to the console as well.

Adapters can be chained, to give an execution flow like

pre adapter -> mixin method -> post adapter

Pre and post mixing routines

Each mixin can specify pre and post mix routines. Each routine is invoked on the context with the mixin as a target.

This is a good place to run validation, finalization, or set default properties.

// shared/mixins/logger.js
let loggers = new WeakSet(); // ES6 only

let loggerMixin = {
  // ...
  // properties as before
  // ...
  // new
  premix(target) {
    if (typeof target.logname !== 'string') {
      throw new TypeError(`Expected string logname; got ${target.logname}`);
  // new
  postmix(target) {

premix and postmix won't be mixed into the target.

Opting out or overriding

You want some shared data or behavior, but not all of it.

mix(mixee, {
  method1() {
    // ...
  method2() {
    // ...
  foo: true,
}, {
  omit: ['method1']
mixee.method1 // undefined
mixee.method2 // function() { ... }
mixee.foo     // true

Or, you want to override some data or behavior.

let named = {
  name: 'mixin',
  sayName() {
let mixee = {
  name: 'mixee'

mix(mixee, named, {omit: ['name']});
mixee.sayName() // 'mixee'

// probably not what you want
mix(mixee, named);
mixee.sayName() // 'mixin'

Tests for all these examples can be found here.


mix(target: Object, mixin: IMixin, options?: Object)

Mix own properties from mixin into target. options can be an object literal with

  • omit: array of strings which are property names of mixin to exclude from mixing
  • adapterTo: object literal mapping mixin method names to adapters to them
  • adapterFrom: object literal mapping mixin method names to adapters from them

mixin can have two special properties

  • premix: function called on mixin before mixing (but after mix is called) with target as the argument
  • postmix: function called on mixin after mixing (but before mix returns) with target as the argument

These properties will not be copied into target.


Development is in snake_case TypeScript.

Get the source:

$ git clone git@github.com:username/mixin.a.lot.git

Install dependencies:

$ cd mixin.a.lot && sudo npm i

Develop (watch for changes and execute tests):

$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp dev

To see all the available tasks:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp -T


MIT © 2016, Victor Alvarez