
cli mini json editor

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mjedit from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/mjedit';



const Mjedit = require('mjedit');
const mjedit = new Mjedit(
        propName: {
            // Default value
            value: Any,

            // Text printed to the user
            text: String,

            // Text printed to the user when the validator function return false
            invalidText: [String],

            // Return true is the value is valid, false otherwise
            validator: [(value)],

            // Return a transformed value from the answer
            parser: [(answer)],

            // Indicates if the input is required, default false
            required: [Bool],

            // Text printed to the user when a required field was left empty
            requiredText: [String]
        // Will not warn you if the file "filename" is not found, default false
        silent = [true]

[] -> Optionals fields

(arg) -> Functions that take arg as argument

// Load the file (filename) as json if it exist
// Ask the questions to the user through stdin
// Save resulting data to the file as json
mjedit.run(); // async function


const Mjedit = require('mjedit');
const mjedit = new Mjedit(
        idValid: {
            value: false,
            text: 'Are ids valid? (true/false)',
            validator: (value) => ['true', 'false'].includes(value),
            required: true,
            requiredText: 'You must specify if ids are valid'
        ids: {
            value: [],
            text: 'Enter ids (csv)',
            invalidText: 'Invalid ids, each id should be 10 characteres long',
            validator: (ids) => ids.every(id => id.length === 10),
            parser: (answer) => answer.split(',').map(id => id.trim())

$ node app.js
No existing metadata file found for hello_mjedit.json
Are ids valid? (true/false): true
Enter ids (csv): 1234567890, 12345
Invalid ids, each id should be 10 characteres long
Enter ids (csv): 1234567890, 1234554321

$ cat hello_mjedit.json

$ node app.js
Are ids valid? (true/false):
You must specify if ids are valid
Are ids valid? (true/false): true
Enter ids (csv): 1111111111

$ cat hello_mjedit.json