
simple pure node http server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mockBackendRest from '';


Fork and improve


  • You can start fake server
  • Mock some response (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), if you need big response - can read it from JSON file
  • Stop fake server


npm install -SD mock-backend-rest

const FakeServer = require('mock-backend-rest');

const fakeServer = new FakeServer(8085);

fakeServer.port = 8085; //default port is 4000
fakeServer.get('/foo', './index.json'); //path to json file what will be response'/bar', {LOL: 'LOL'}); //
fakeServer.get('', { WEBLIUM_HTTP: 'WEBLIUM_HTTP' });
fakeServer.del('/foo', {LOL: 'LOL'});
fakeServer.put('/bar', {LOL: 'LOL'});'/xxx', { LOL: 'LOL' }, {error: 'SUPER CUSTOM ERROR'}, true, {a: 'a'});


//output  { called: false, callCount: 0, method: 'GET' }
//curl -d '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8085/bar
//two times use curl and after
//curl -d '{"a": "a"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8085/xxx
//response will be {"LOL":"LOL"}
//curl -d '{"a": "1"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8085/xxx
//response will be {"error":"SUPER CUSTOM ERROR"}
//curl -d '{"a": "1"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8085/xxx
//response will be {"error":"SUPER CUSTOM ERROR"}

setTimeout(() => {

  const callResult = fakeServer.getPostResult('/bar')
  callResult.calledWithArg({key1:"value1", key2:"value2"}) // true
  callResult.calledWithArg({key1:"value1"}) // false
}, 15000);
//{ calledArgs:
//   [ { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' },
//     { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' } ],
// called: true,
// callCount: 2,
// method: 'POST' }
methods args
constructor(port, responseFormat) port, any or number, default is 4000 , string 'text' or 'json' (default json)
get(path, response, errorResponse, assertRequestBody, requestBody) path: string example: '/foo'; response: object or string - path to json file or string response, three last args is optiona, if you want own response error errorResponse object, assertRequestBody bool if true your response body will be assert equal with last arg requestBody object
post(path, response, errorResponse, assertRequestBody, requestBody) path: string example: '/foo'; response: objector string - path to json file or string response, three last args is optiona, if you want own response error errorResponse object, assertRequestBody bool if true your response body will be assert equal with last arg requestBody object
del(path, response, errorResponse, assertRequestBody, requestBody) path: string example: '/foo'; response: object or string - path to json file or string response, three last args is optiona, if you want own response error errorResponse object, assertRequestBody bool if true your response body will be assert equal with last arg requestBody object
put(path, response, errorResponse, assertRequestBody, requestBody) path: string example: '/foo'; response: object or string - path to json file or string response, three last args is optiona, if you want own response error errorResponse object, assertRequestBody bool if true your response body will be assert equal with last arg requestBody object
start() any args
getDelResult(path) path: string example '/foo', if server dont have action for this path return empty obj
getPutResult(path) path: string example '/foo', if server dont have action for this path return empty obj
getGetResult(path) path: string example '/foo', if server dont have action for this path return empty obj
getPostResult(path) path: string example '/foo', if server dont have action for this path return empty obj
stop() any args, if server not started - will get message, after stop you can get actions results etc
restore() any args, server to initial conditions, if server runned it method stop it
calledWithArg(arg) called from result of action, arg object return true if you call this path with arg
## don`t need any dependencies

Improvement plan

  • Stop FakeServer
  • Mock request for any url (partly) (make for http, and https)
  • Read response fron any file, and any format