
Hookups for extensible triggered mod events.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import modattachr from '';



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Hookups for extensible triggered mod events.

ModAttachr allows host applications to send messages to "mods", or collections of callbacks linked to string event names. Mods may be individually enabled or disabled.



Each mod may attach callbacks to named calls fired by the host application to act on application events. Event names are shared across mods.

Two event names are defined by default:

  • "onModEnable": Called when a mod is enabled, including when a new ModAttachr instance is created.
  • "onModDisable": Called when a mod is disabled after previously being enabled.

Mods default to disabled unless provided with an enabled: true.


Enables a mod if it wasn't already enabled.

// "Enabled Two!"
const modAttacher = new ModAttachr({
    mods: [
            events: {
                onModEnable: () => console.log("Enabled One!"),
                onStart: () => console.log("Starting One!"),
            name: "One",
            enabled: true,
            events: {
                onModEnable: () => console.log("Enabled Two!"),
            name: "Two",

// "Enabled One!"
// "Enabled Two!"

// "Starting One!"


Disables a mod if it was previously enabled.

const modAttacher = new ModAttachr({
    mods: [
            events: {
                onModDisable: () => console.log("Disabled One!"),
                onStart: () => console.log("Starting One!"),
            name: "One",
            enabled: true,
            events: {
                onModDisable: () => console.log("Disabled Two!"),
            name: "Two",

// "Disabled Two!"



Fires a named event to be received by any enabled subscribing mod. Any parameters passed to the event are directly passed to mods.

const modAttacher = new ModAttachr({
    mods: [
            events: {
                onPoints: (player, points) => console.log(`${player} scored ${points}!`),
            name: "Sample",

// "You scored 7!"
modAttacher.fireModEvent("onPoints", "You", 7);


It's common to use a class extending from the module's exported ModEventNames to store common event names. Pass it as a eventNames to the ModAttachr constructor and use it instead of string literals for event names:

import { ModAttachr, ModEventNames } from "modattachr";

class SampleModEventNames extends ModEventNames {
    onStart = "onStart",

const modEventNames = new SampleModEventNames();

// "Starting!"
const modAttacher = new ModAttachr({
    mods: [
            enabled: true,
            eventNames: modEventNames,
            events: {
                [modEventNames.onModEnable]: () => console.log("Enabled!"),
                [modEventNames.onStart]: () => console.log("Starting!"),
            name: "Sample",

// "Starting!"


It's common in persistent applications to store whether mods are enabled or disabled in a cache such as localStorage. Pass an ItemsHoldr as itemsHolder to a ModAttachr to have it store whether each mod is enabled there.

new ModAttachr({
    itemsHolder: new ItemsHoldr(),
    mods: [],

Mod toggle booleans are stored directly under mod names by default.

const itemsHolder = new ItemsHoldr();

itemsHolder.setItem("One", true);

// "Enabled One!"
const modAttacher = new ModAttachr({
    mods: [
            events: {
                onModEnable: () => console.log("Enabled One!"),
            name: "One",


Pass a lambda that converts a string name to another string if you need to customize which keys are used for mods in storage.

const itemsHolder = new ItemsHoldr();

itemsHolder.setItem("MyMods::One", true);

// "Enabled One!"
const modAttacher = new ModAttachr({
    mods: [
            events: {
                onModEnable: () => console.log("Enabled One!"),
            name: "One",
    transformModName: (modName) => `MyMods::${modName}`,


This repository is a portion of the EightBittr monorepo. See its docs/ for details on how to get started. 💖

Running Tests

yarn run test

Tests are written in Mocha and Chai. Their files are written using alongside source files under src/ and named *.test.ts?. Whenever you add, remove, or rename a *.test.t* file under src/, watch will re-run yarn run test:setup to regenerate the list of static test files in test/index.html. You can open that file in a browser to debug through the tests, or run yarn test:run to run them in headless Chrome.