
Attach functions or jQuery plugins to your html nodes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import modularBehaviourJs from '';



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This library helps you to simply attach functions or jQuery plugins to dom nodes.

How to use

General use

Simply define a data-mb attribute with the name of the function on your nodes

function myGlobalFunction(element, options) {
    element.textContent = "Initialized!";
<div data-mb="myJqueryPlugin"></div>
<div data-mb="myGlobalFunction"></div>

WARNING : module names are CaSe SenSitiVe! For instance, jquery datable needs to use DataTable or FilePond needs a uppercase P.

Then simply run the init method. You can pass an optional config array to set config values.


NOTE: the init method should be called after all your configurations are set. If you use options transformers or after init hooks, make sure they are defined before the nodes are added to the dom.

init only works once. If you want to simply attach nodes manually, use run.

Configure plugins or set options

You can set options through the data attributes

<div data-mb="myJqueryPlugin" data-mb-myJqueryPlugin-options=""></div>

Or simply, if you have only one handler, use the global mb-options

<div data-mb="myJqueryPlugin" data-mb-options=""></div>

NOTE: jQuery is optional ! you can use this library with vanilla javascript without worries!

Namespaced plugins

You can also namespace your plugins using dot notation. Nested namespaces are not supported.

<div data-mb="App.myFunc" data-mb-options=""></div>

Use factory

Some libs use a factory method (like create). These can be used using the : notation.

<div data-mb="FilePond:create" data-mb-options=""></div>

Another trick is that some libs expect a selector as the first argument while other expect an html element. For instance:

// Cleave expect a selector
var cleave = new Cleave(".input-element", {
  date: true,
  delimiter: "-",
  datePattern: ["Y", "m", "d"],
// FilePond expect an element

ModularBehaviour always passes the element as the first argument. If you need to use a selector, wrap the call in a global function (in this case, it's fine since Cleave also supports an HTMLElement as the first argument).

Available types of options

Json strings (make sure to escape everything properly or wrap in single quotes)

<div data-mb="myJqueryPlugin" data-mb-options='{"configKey": "configValue"}'></div>

Or if you don't like single quotes, you can use base64 encoded strings

<div data-mb="myJqueryPlugin" data-mb-options="base64:eyJkYXRlIjp0cnVlLCJkZWxpbWl0ZXIiOiItIiwiZGF0ZVBhdHRlcm4iOlsiWSIsIm0iLCJkIl19"></div>

External json stored in a html node. It can be a div or anything, but we recommend a template element since they are hidden by default (not on IE11! don't forget template { display:none }).

<template id="myTemplate">{"configKey": "configValue"}</template>
<div id="myDiv" style="display:none">{"configKey": "configValue"}</div>
<div data-mb="myJqueryPlugin" data-mb-options="#myDiv"></div>

Global callback (need to be loaded before init)

<div data-mb="App.plugin" data-mb-options="myOptions()"></div>

Define multiple functions or plugins

You can add multiple handlers, simply add a space between each

<div data-mb="handler1 handler2" data-handler1-options="" data-handler2-options=""></div>

Add option transformers

Sometimes you want to apply some default options to all modules. You can achieve this by defining an option transformer

ModularBehaviour.addOptionsTransformer("myModule", function (opts, el) {
  // modify here the options object

The options object passed is as collected for the given node.

A typical use case is to apply custom data attribute to the config

ModularBehaviour.addOptionsTransformer("myModule", function (opts, el) {
  // opts is mutable so no need to return it
  if (el.dataset.thisOption) {
    opts.thatOption = el.dataset.thisOption;

Add after init hooks

Not all modules or javascript libs let you configure everything through options. Sometimes you need to call methods. This is possible using afterInitHooks.

ModularBehaviour.addAfterInitHook("myModule", function (inst, el, opts) {
  // call what you need on module instance
  // inst : the instantianted class or jquery plugin
  // el : the html node
  // opts : the options object

Handling updates

But what if the document changes due to some external updates or an ajax load ?

ModularBehaviour now includes a MutationObserver which will init nodes if they have the data-mb attribute. So everything is handled automatically once you have run the init method.

Since we watch the whole body, maybe there are a lot of mutations happening. If this is an issue for you, you can disable this option.

ModularBehaviour.setConfig("observeDom", false);

It also means that it's up to you to use the run method each time you add new nodes (eg: after an ajax load).

Set global config options

You can also set config options, this can be used to enable debug mode

ModularBehaviour.setConfig("debug", true);

Here are the available config options:

  • attr: "data-mb"
  • failedClass: "mb-failed"
  • initClass: "mb-init"
  • optionsKey: "options"
  • maxTries: 3
  • retryInterval: 250
  • observeDom: true
  • runAfterDomChanges: true
  • debug: false