
Pub/Sub with MongoDB. A Brocast implementation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mongoBrocast from '';



Pub/Sub with MongoDB. A Brocast implementation.

Reactive, and easily extensible.

This implementation is EventStore compatible, as you can subscribe to past events.


  var Brocast = require('mongo-brocast').Brocast;

var pubsub = new Brocast(db, opts)


  • db - Instance of Db() from MongoDB's native driver.
  • opts - Object with Options.


  • channelSize - (default=16MB) Max amount of bytes for each channel. If a channel will exceed this size, new events will overwrite old ones.
  • maxEventsPerChannel - (default=1000) If your channel is less than channelSize, what's the max amount of events to store.
  • ns - (default='pubsub'). The prefix for the collection names that would be created by this module.
  • separator - (default=':'). The separator between ns and the pubsub related namespaces.
  • collectionNameGenerator - (Optional function). You can implement your own naming scheme.
  • dao - (Optional object). You can implement your own MongoDB Data Access Object. The default naming scheme is: '%ns%%separator%%CHANNEL_NAME%.
  • writeStreamFactory - (Optional function). Returns a Writeable Stream that stores events in MongoDB. You can implement your own storage scheme.
  • readStreamFactory - (Optional function). Returns a readable stream with events being published. You can implement your own retrieval strategy.


  • error - All errors would be redirected to the main instance of MubSub.

var tstChannel =;

Returns a Channel instance from brocast.


  • channelName - The name of the channel.


  • newSubscriber - When someone subscribes to this channel it emits the Subscriber object.

tstChannel.publish(name, message)

Publishes a new message to the channel.


  • name - The name of the event to publish.
  • message - The message to publish. It can be String, Array or Json object.

var subscriber = tstChannel.subscribe(eventName, opts);

Returns an instance of brocast subscriber object, which is a Readable stream.


  • eventName - The name of the event to subscribe to.
  • opts - Object with options.


  • start - The last eventId that you dispatched. If undefined, it'll subscribe only to new events. If the value is 0 it will subscribe to all events available in the channel.


  • unsubscribe - This event is emitted if you call the unsubscribe method.
  • data - The events that are being dispatched.

Event struct

A dispatched event looks like this:

  _id: 542bf84fa51ffd383cea96ff,
  name: 'test event',
  channel: 'tstChannel',
  timestamp: 1412167759481,
  msg: 386.00159669294953


Unsubscribe from receiving events.


var MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient,
  MubSub = require('../lib/mubsub');

var dbConfig = {
    "uri": "mongodb://",
    "options": {
    "server": {
      "socketOptions": {
        "keepAlive": 1

MongoClient.connect(dbConfig.uri, dbConfig.options, function (err, db) {
  var client = new MubSub(db);
  var channel ='tstChannel');

  var sub = channel.subscribe('test event').on('data', function (event) {console.log('received', event)})

  channel.publish('test event', Math.random()*1000);

Future Plans

  • Standardize the Event Struct and decouple it from Mongo. i.e. id instead of _id.
  • When subscribing, add another option lastId to act as an alias for start
  • Implement a retrial mechanism in case there is a DB failure. (Probabbly in a separate module)
  • Implement balanced event insertion. Right now, the events are inserted as they arrive, without back pressure concern.
  • Implement bulk event insertion using MongoDB's Bulk insertion feature.
  • Not directly related to this module, but it should be implemented for the browser as well.
  • Find a better name.


With npm do:

npm install brocast
