
Parser for MongoDB aggregation pipeline expression written in a formula-like style

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mongoFormula from '';


Mongo Formula

Parser for MongoDB aggregation expression and pipeline written in a formula-like style.


This project aims to simplify writing aggregation expression and pipeline.

Type Error

One problem of using aggregation pipeline is that type error can only be discovered in runtime. For example, expression { $add: [$str, 2] } is invalid if $str is a string.


Another problem is that complex expression is less readable. For example, expression { $subtract: [{ $add: [1, 2] }, { $multiply: [3, 4, 5] }] } could be compactly represented by 1 + 2 - 3 * 4 * 5 in common calculator syntax.


To address above issues, a syntax is defined and the corresponding parser is builded.

Getting Started


npm install --save mongo-formula


yarn add mongo-formula



import { MongoFormulaParser, allFuncDict, allStageDict } from 'mongo-formula';
FuncDict/StageDict is the definition of functions/stages.
allFuncDict/allStageDict includes all the functions/stages defined in this library.
You may select only the required functions/stages to form a custom FuncDict/StageDict in order to reduce memory usage and bundle size.
const schema = { num: { type: 'number' } }; // Schema is a type definition of the variables (document fields)
const options = {
    reservedSuffix: '___', // suffix reserved for variables used by this library. Default: ___
    undefinedTyp: { type: 'unknown' }, // typ of variables that are not defined in schema. Default: { type: 'unknown' }
    compatMode: true, // If true, some funcs/stages replaced by other more compatible funcs/stages. Default: true
const parser = new MongoFormulaParser(

Parse Valid Formula to Expression

parser.parse(`num + 1`);
output: (other fields are omitted for simplicity)
    typ: { type: 'number' },
    val: { $add: ['$num', 1] },
    dep: ['num'],

Parse Valid Formula to Pipeline

parser.parse(`>> SET({ numPlusOne: num + 1 })`);
output: (other fields are omitted for simplicity)
    typ: { type: 'pipeline' },
    val: [{ $addFields: { numPlusOne: { $add: ['$num', 1] } } }],
    dep: ['num'],

Parse Invalid Formula

parser.parse(`num + "1"`);
SMARTADD: Invalid expr1 typ. Received "stringL". Expected "number".

It is invalid because "1" is string literal (stringL) which is not assignable to number.
SMARTADD is the underlying function called when using +.

Parse Formula Template to Expression Creator

const createExpr = parser.parseTemplate([{ type: 'number' }])`${(
    ...vs: any[]
) => vs[0]} + 1`;

output: (other fields are omitted for simplicity)
    typ: { type: 'number' },
    val: { $add: [{ $ifNull: [null, 500] }, 1] },
    dep: [],

{ $ifNull: [null, 500] } is identical to 500.


This library provides a simple cli to use the mongoFormulaParser.

To start the cli, you can simply run mongo-formula in your project root. FuncDict used is allFuncDict. StageDict used is allStageDict. Options used are the defaults. To set schema, you can use the command setSchema.

> setSchema({ num: { type: 'number' } })
{ num: { type: 'number' } }
> num + 1
  typ: { type: 'number' },
  val: { '$add': [ '$num', 1 ] },
  dep: [ 'num' ]


Full documentation can be found here.