
Read mongodump BSON file in node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mongodumpReader from '';


Mongodump file reader

Mongodump uses a special file format when backing up its content (concatenating each item without any separator, save for the standard \x00 at the end of the object)

This small library returns an array of all the items in the mongodump file.


npm install mongodump-reader --save


var mongodumpReader = require("mongodump-reader");

// Option 1, directly from a buffer:
// (can be a file buffer, or something from the network, or any kind of valid bson binary content)
var buffer = fs.readFileSync("./path-to-bson");
mongodumpReader(buffer, function(err, items) {

// Option 2, specify a file path
// (will be read asynchronously)
mongodumpReader("/tmp/file.bson", function(err, items) {

Known limitations

This module reads all the content in memory before returning anything. This won't be suitable for large collections.

However, the implementation is very simple and turning it in a Stream based engine should be straightforward.