
Mongoose Previous Data

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mongoosePrevious from '';


Mongoose Previous Data

is a mongoose plugin with which you can get the previous data. For example after update or after save some data you can get only changed fields or even new/deleted/edited rows array.


$ npm install mongoose-previous --save


const mongoosePreData = require('mongoose-previous');

schemaOrders.plugin(mongoosePreData, {populate: 'city ordersArray.order', class: 'mpd'});

Option keys and defaults

populate: use if you need get some field from other collections

class: name for context mongoose data. Defaul 'mpd'


getPreviousData: Function return previous data or some field from data

  • @param {Array} fields for checked changes. Default: null - return all prev data'findOneAndUpdate', function (doc, next) {
  // return only prev sum
  const prevSum = this.mpd.getPreviousData(['sum']);
  // return all prev data
  const prevData = this.mpd.getPreviousData();

getChangesForArray: Function return changes by Array { new: [some new rows], edit: [some edit rows], delete: [some del rows] }

  • @param {String} name name array in mongoose
  • @param {String} key unique field for find changes
  • @param {Array} kind enum ['N' - new, 'D' - delete, 'E' - edit]
  • @param {Array} fields'findOneAndUpdate', function (doc, next) {
  // return new and delete orders
  const newAndDelOrders = this.mpd.getChangesForArray('ordersArray', 'order._id', ['N', 'D']);

isFieldChanged: Function return boolean (changed fields or not)

  • @param {Array} fields for checked changes'findOneAndUpdate', function (doc, next) {
  const changed = this.mpd.isFieldChanged(['sum', 'interval', 'date']);

getCurrentData: Function return current data

  • @param {Array} fields for checked changes'findOneAndUpdate', function (doc, next) {
  const updatedData = context.mpd.getCurrentData();

All this functions you can use for "post save" too