
This project therefore aims to simplify encoding and decoding of morseCode to human readable format and vice versa for learning and other purposes which can only be defined by the user

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import morseCodeGenerator from '';



Although Morse code has absolutely nothing to do with computers, becoming familiar with the nature of codes is an essential preliminary to achieving a deep understanding of the hidden languages and inner structures of computer hardware and software.

[CODE by Charles Petzold]

Receiving Morse code and translating it back into words is considerably harder and more time consuming than sending because you must work backward to figure out the letter that corresponds to a particular coded sequence of dots and dashes.

This project therefore aims to simplify encoding and decoding of morseCode to human readable format and vice versa for learning and other purposes which can only be defined by the user

Using classes in the package

let morseCode = require("morse-code-generator");
let results = new morseCode.MorseCodeGenerator();

//encoding a string of words or sentences to morseCode
results.encode_toMorseCode("Hello World").output();

//decoding morseCode to Human readable format 
  .addMorseCode("_ _ _")
  .addMorseCode("._ _")
  .addMorseCode("_ _ _")
  ....   .   ._..   ._..   _ _ _     ._ _   _ _ _   ._.   ._..   _..  
  h  e  l  l  o    w  o  r  l  d 
import {MorseCodeGenerator} from "morse-code-generator";
const results = new MorseCodeGenerator();

//encoding a string of words or sentences to morseCode
results.encode_toMorseCode("Hello World").output();

//decoding morseCode to Human readable format 
  .addMorseCode("_ _ _")
  .addMorseCode("._ _")
  .addMorseCode("_ _ _")
  ....   .   ._..   ._..   _ _ _     ._ _   _ _ _   ._.   ._..   _..  
  h  e  l  l  o    w  o  r  l  d 

MorseCode Chart Adapted from Charles Petzold Book [CODE]

  "A" = "._"
  "B" = "_..."
  "C" = "_._."
  "D" = "_.."
  "E" = "."
  "F" = ".._."
  "G" = "_ _."
  "H" = "...."
  "I" = ".."
  "J" = "._ _ _"
  "K" = "_._"
  "L" = "._.."
  "M" = "_ _"
  "N" = "_."
  "O" = "_ _ _"
  "P" = "._ _."
  "Q" = "_ _._"
  "R" = "._."
  "S" = "..."
  "T" = "_"
  "U" = ".._"
  "V" = "..._"
  "W" = "._ _"
  "X" = "_.._"
  "Y" = "_._ _"
  "Z" = "_ _ .."
  "1" = "._ _ _ _"
  "2" = ".._ _ _"
  "3" = "..._ _"
  "4" = "...._"
  "5" = "....."
  "6" = "_...."
  "7" = "_ _ ..."
  "8" = "_ _ _.."
  "9" = "_ _ _ _."
  "0" = "_ _ _ _ _"
  "." = "._._._"
  "," = "_ _.._ _"
  "?" = ".._ _.."
  ":" = "_ _ _ ..."
  ";" = "_._._."
  "-" = "_...._"
  "/" = "_.._."
  "''" = "._.._."
  "'"  = "._ _ _ _."
  "("  =  "_._ _."
  ")"  = "_._ _._"
  "="  = "_..._"
  "+"  = "._._."
  "quot;  = "..._.._"
  "¶"  = "._._.."
  "_"  = ".._ _._"
  "Ü"  = ".._ _"
  "Ä"  = "._._"
  "Ö"  = "_ _ _."