
Module to make writing Node.js MQTT microservices dead simple and quick.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mqttUsvc from '';



Breaking change: create() is now async, and there is now a peer dependency on prom-client.

Module to make writing Node.js MQTT microservices dead simple and quick.

See example.js for reference.

Can be configured from YAML, environment variables, or code.

Breaking: prefix is now not automatic in v2 - must use ~ character.


You can pass in configuration in code if you have your own way of managing configuration.

To use a configuration file just create a YAML file with the keys:

  uri: "mqtt://localhost",
  prefix: "ticker/",
    - "~/set/#"
  port: 8080
  # service config schema is open, just put what you need here
  interval: 1000

Then launch your service with environment variables:

CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/config.yml node my_service.js

Using Only Environment Variables

MQTT_URI=mqtt://localhost MQTT_PREFIX="ticker" HTTP_PORT=8080 node my_service.js

MQTT Username/Password

Just put it in the MQTT URI:


Using Consul KV for Configuration

With all config in single field as JSON:

CONSUL_KV_KEY=ticker_config node my_service.js

This will parse the value of ticker_config as JSON and use that.


CONSUL_KV_PREFIX=ticker/ node my_service.js

It will then fetch all keys from Consul's KV under this prefix and construct an object.

Note: because all KV values are strings it attempts to figure out whether values are numbers, bools, etc when parsing.




const mqttusvc = require("mqtt-usvc");
const assert = require("assert");

async function main() {
  // Typically you will want to just provide a path to config file via command
  // line args or via environment variables.
  // Doing this way is easy, just use:
  const service = await mqttusvc.create();

  // Alternatively you can provide all the configuration in code:
  const service = mqttusvc.create({
    // The MQTT config can also be passed in via environment variables too
    mqtt: {
      // MQTT URI can contain username/password
      uri: "mqtt://localhost",
      // Default prefix for inbound and outbound topics.
      // The ~ character will be replaced with this string.
      // See below for examples
      prefix: "ticker",
      // Subscribe to topics (note: prefix not applied to subscriptions as
      // you may want to subscribe to services elsewhere)
      subscriptions: ["~/#"],
    // The service config
    service: {
      interval: 1000,

  // The service configuration is returned under .config
  // (useful when config is loaded from a file)
  assert.strictEqual(service.config.interval, 1000);

  // (will send ticker/tick every second to MQTT)
  setInterval(() => {
    // Call .send() to publish an event.
    // NOTE this gets published as ticker/tick
    // If you don't want to publish under ticker use sendRoot()
    // ... or use "" as the prefix to always publish without a prefix
    service.send("~/tick", { ts: new Date() });
  }, service.config.interval);

  // will output ticker/tick back from MQTT
  // Handle your subscriptions using .on("message")
  // `topic` prefix is converted back to ~
  service.on("message", (topic, data) => console.log(topic, data));

