
An module to easily convert milliseconds to human readable time and opposite.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import msPrettify from '';



npm i ms-prettify

What ?

An module to convert MS to human readable time and Human readable time to MS, with advanced options.


  • Needs Node JS V - 14 at least.

Why ?

  • Easy to use.
  • Advanced options for manipulating the reult.
  • Support for both TypeScript and JavaScript

How ?

const pms = require('ms-prettify').default;
// import pms from 'ms-prettify'; // for TypeScript

console.log(pms("1hour 10 min")); // Output => 4200000
console.log(pms("1hour 10 min 1y")); // Output => 31561800000
console.log(pms("1hour 10 min 1y")); // Output => 31561800000
console.log(pms("132ms 12")); // Output => 144

console.log(pms(123456789)); // Output => 1 day 10 hours 17 minutes 36 seconds 789 milliseconds 
console.log(pms(123456789, { max: 2 })); // Output => 1 day 10 hours 
console.log(pms(123456789, { expanded: false })); // Output => 1 d 10 h 17 m 36 s 789 ms
console.log(pms(123456789, { max: 2, expanded: false })); // Output => 1 d 10 h

console.log(pms(354678902, { returnObject: false, till: "second" })); // Output => 4 d 2 h 31 m 18 s
console.log(pms(354678902, { returnObject: true })); // Output => { day: 4, hour: 2, minute: 31, second: 18, millisecond: 902 }

console.log(pms("hour 1s")); // Output => 100
console.log(pms("hour 1er4 d9")); // Output => undefined
console.log(pms("hour1")); // Output => undefined
console.log(pms("hello world")); // Output => undefined


for support or issues or queries contace me on my discord server or create a issue here.